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March 27, 2025

CCS Petitioning the HRD Minister

Centre for Civil Society is petitioning India’s Human Resource Development Minister, Smt Smriti Zubin Irani to ‘Assess all schools and accord recognition on basis of learning outcomes and not input/infrastructure norms’

Today in India, 3,494,520 children are out of school, due to the fact that 19,414 private schools across 17 states have been closed or issued notice for closure for not fulfilling the input-centric norms laid down by Right to Education Act (such as infrastructure and teacher salaries). These schools are primarily private, low-fee schools that cater to the poorer sections of society. As research has shown, these schools often deliver better learning outcomes than government schools, and do so at a per-child cost that is much lower than what the government spends in public schools.

By closing down these schools, children across India are being denied access to good quality education of their choice and therefore, the purpose and spirit of the Right to Education Act is being undermined.

10 seconds to sign the petition. 20 seconds to share it.
30 seconds to impact 3.5 MILLION lives!

It’s time to raise a voice. SIGN THE PETITION.

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