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March 18, 2025

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Impact Assessment is the game-changer for corporate social responsibility in India

Our belief in corporate social responsibility in India has become more robust as many corporates have reached an agreement that CSR is here to...

GRI, Ambuja Cement Foundation explore integral role women play in achieving all 17 SDGs

While SDG 5 is focused on gender equality, women are integral to each of the 17 proposed SDGs. However, few development initiatives lay focus...

International Volunteer Day – 8 Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering is seen as a philanthropic activity that is intended to benefit others. However, benefits of volunteering are not only limited to the immediate...

CSR News – CredAble Brings Joy to the Cerebral Palsy Association of India

Just like every corporate feels the need to contribute to the society as a responsibility, CredAble spent time with the children, adults & elderly...

मिड डे मील घोटाला – दूध में पानी नहीं, बाल्टी भर पानी में एक लीटर दूध मिलाकर, 80 बच्चों को पिलाया।

ये तो हद है, बेशर्मी की इंतेहां है, निर्लज्जता है, ये तो अपराध है, कैसे कोई इस कारनामें को कर सकता है, इस तरह...

हैदराबाद में हैवानियत, डॉक्टर से रेप के बाद जिंदा जलाया 

हमारे समाज को हो क्या गया है, क्यों हम ये भूल जाते है कि जिसकी वजह से हमारा वजूद है वो एक महिला की...

कैसे कह दें कि हम विकासशील देश है, जहां आज भी हमारा “भविष्य” कुपोषित है !!

यहां हम ये सवाल बिलकुल नहीं करेंगे कि ट्रिलियन में कितने जीरो होते है लेकिन ये जरूर पूछेंगे कि देश के प्रधानमंत्री ट्रिलियन इकोनॉमी...

CSR: ZENCC offers FREE network security solution for schools

Today, when the internet has become an integral part of the curriculum and management, schools need to carefully consider network safety to protect their...

ठाकरे का “राज” आया, अब क्या मिलेगा 10 रुपये में खाना, क्या बच पायेगा आरे ?

महीना भर पहले हर नेता, हर एक मंच से जनता के पास जाता और ऐसे ऐसे वादे करता की मानों जीतने के बाद रामराज्य में जनता...

National Epilepsy Day – Cure with Compassion

On National Epilepsy Day, November 17, 2019, a consortium of 5 nationally renowned psychiatrists from the states of Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh, came on...

Government’s Push for Effective Utilisation of CSR Funds

By Rajeev Nair & Nishant Sogani, Rajani Associates The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility a.k.a. CSR has been in existence since ages, albeit more so...

Role of CFO to Ensure Business Sustainability

CFOs have historically been responsible for making financing and investment decisions based on ROI and NPV. In the next ten years, there will be...

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