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CSR: Ayurvastra – Fashion With Healing Powers

Ethical fashion has been in a conversation in recent years considering the harmful effects of fast fashion on health, environment and biodiversity. The carcinogenic chemicals used in the fabric dyes have caused diseases to the labourers working in garment factories as well as the consumers using them. To address these concerns several fashion designers...
14th GCNI National Convention

14th UN Global Compact Network India Convention Held

There is increasing conversation around on-ground actions that businesses need to take to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and create economic value for India. Global Compact Network India (GCNI) – the local arm of UN Global Compact, New York acknowledged this by choosing as its theme: ‘Pioneering Solutions for India’ in keeping with...

राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति मसौदा – पढ़ेगा इंडिया, बढ़ेगा इंडिया

आखिरकार 30 साल बाद राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति का मसौदा आ ही गया, इस मसौदे में नेशनल एजुकेशन कमिशन बनाने और मंत्रालय का नाम शिक्षा मंत्रालय करने की बात कही ही गई है। साथ ही इस मसौदे के मुताबिक उच्च शिक्षा के लिए सिर्फ एक रेगुलेटर बनेगा और मानव संसाधन मंत्रालय का नया नाम शिक्षा...
Kerala paves the way for recycling plastic

CSR: Kerala paves the way for recycling plastic

Whenever you enter a city or a town in India, mountains of burning waste is a common sight. Bhalswa in Delhi and Deonar in Mumbai are quite infamous all over the world. It is a known fact that the only way to get rid of this perennial problem is to follow the 3 R's-Reduce,...
Indus River Dolphin

DCB Bank and WWF-India collaborate to conserve the endangered Indus River Dolphin

Dolphins are an indicator species of healthy river systems. India is one of the few countries in the world that has two fresh water dolphin species - the Gangetic River Dolphin and the Indus River Dolphin, sub-species of South Asian River Dolphin. The latter is listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation...
Afghan diaspora

The Critical Role of the Afghan Diaspora in the Pursuit of Peace in Afghanistan

By Gabriel Piccillo & Mark Thomas Patterson On April 23rd, 2019, the Charge d’Affairs of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Karen Decker, hosted more than 120 Afghan youth leaders at the ‘Youth and Peace’ Roundtable conference convened by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Attendees came from various backgrounds including academia, civil society,...
Surrogacy Industry in India

CSR: No Rent for Womb

The government of India has banned commercial surrogacy by passing The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill 2016 which makes payment for surrogacy a punishable offence. Commercial Surrogacy is a 400-million-dollar industry according to some estimates, with Anand in Gujarat known as the Indian Baby Factory. India is the go-to destination when it comes to fertility tourism. Commercial...
art and culture

CSR: Corporate patronage of art and culture

Given the myriad challenges facing cultural institutions in the country today, it has become more important than ever for the private sector – especially corporates and business houses – to step in and contribute to the development of art and culture in India. Schedule VII of The Companies Act, 2013, allows for corporate patronage of...

CSR: Plogging – An Altruistic Fitness Trend

Waking up early and stepping out to jog in the fresh morning air, but getting irritated instead for having to navigate your way through littered waste, is a story of every jogger in the world. We all get disappointed in such a situation. Many of us often end up changing the fitness routine. But...
Dharmendra Kumar

This ultra-marathoner is running for a hunger-free India

Renowned ultra-marathoner Dharmendra Kumar aka Dharma is on a cross-country charity run to promote the cause of Hunger-Free India and spread smiles of nourishment. A passionate runner, he is the co-founder of Bengaluru-based running club Proton Sports. Dream of a hunger-free India Dharma will be running across India on the route followed by Shri Guru Nanak Devji when...

डॉ. पायल तड़वी आत्महत्या: जातिवाद ने ली प्रतिभाशाली डॉक्टर की जान

पायल तड़वी महाराष्ट्र के जलगांव आदिवासी इलाके से निकल कर आई और सपनों की नगरी मुंबई में अपना मुकाम बनाने की जद्दोजहद में लग गयी, आखों में बड़ा डॉक्टर बनने के सपने थे, कुछ कर गुजरने की चाहत थी, दिन रात मेहनत कर अपने बलबूते पूरे गांव, पूरे समाज, माँ बाप का नाम रौशन...

Asia-Pacific not on track to achieve any Sustainable Development Goal by 2030

On its current trajectory, Asia and the Pacific will not achieve any of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, according to a new report by the United Nations’ regional arm. Findings by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) show that for more than half the SDGs,...

हिंदी मंच