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मंदी की मार, झेल रहा सीएसआर
घटता विकास दर, गिरती जीडीपी, महंगाई, बेरोजगारी ये तमाम मुद्दे है जिनसे सरकार और देश की जनता जूझ रही है, भले ही विपक्ष के सवाल सरकार को कोस रहे हो लेकिन इन तमाम मुद्दों से सीधा सरोकार हमसे और आपसे है, मंदी को दूर करने के लिए सरकार के कदम नाकाफी साबित हो रहे...
World Toilet Day 2019 – LIXIL partners with Toilet Board Coalition
LIXIL, maker of pioneering water and housing products, has partnered with Toilet Board Coalition (TBC) to host Global Sanitation Economy Summit in Pune, India. With a vision to provide safe sanitation to 100 mn people across the world by 2025; LIXIL along with TBC has committed to draw attention to people in rural and...
Which are the institutions in India providing courses in CSR?
India is the first country in the World to have mandated Corporate Social Responsibility through Companies Act 2013. As per the law, companies need to adopt a business-like approach and to create a strategic CSR framework, that leads to socio-economic development and curb environmental issues by promoting sustainable and scientific solutions.
CSR was a norm...
दुनिया के सबसे अमीर बिल गेट्स भारत दौरे पर, किया सरकार से स्वास्थ सेवाओं पर एमओयू
दुनिया के सबसे अमीर कारोबारी और माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के सह-संस्थापक बिल गेट्स इन दिनों भारत के दौरे पर आये है, भारत दौरे बिल गेट्स देश के सबसे पिछड़े राज्य बिहार भी गए, उसके बाद देश के प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी से मुलाकात किये, मंत्रियों से भी मिले, इन सभी मुलाकातों में बिल गेट्स ना सिर्फ भारत...
How Companies Can Use CSR to Reduce AI Bias
AI and Machine learning have slowly started to make a place for itself in every aspect of a corporate organisation. One of the main purposes of employing this technology is to improve the efficiency of processes by reducing human biases.
This was especially true for its employment in recruitment practices. In fact, it was argued...
पानी की शुद्धता पर केंद्र सरकार ने जारी की रैंकिंग, मुंबई टॉप, दिल्ली फ्लॉप
पानी की एक एक बूंद की कीमत एक प्यासा ही बता सकता है, यही कारण है कि हम सब इसकी एहमियत को जानते हुए जल को जीवन मानते है और बचत करते है, जिसके लिए बाकायदा सीएसआर के तहत चाहे सरकारें हो या कॉरपोरेट बड़े पैमाने में पानी को लेकर मुहिम चला रही है,...
ट्रेन में खाना होगा महंगा, पांच सालों बाद बढ़ेगा दाम
ये ख़बर हर उस भारतीय के लिए है जो ट्रेन में सफ़र करता है, ये ख़बर हर उस यात्री के लिए है जो ट्रेन में लजीज खाने का शौकीन है। भारतीय रेलवे ने ट्रेन में सफर करने वाले पैसेंजर्स को बड़ा झटका दिया है, रेलवे ने ट्रेन में सफर के दौरान चाय, नाश्ता और...
Children Design National Stamps on Child Rights for Children’s Day
The Department of Posts, in association with UNICEF today announced the winners of the 2019 Stamp Design Competition, celebrating Children’s Day in India and commemorating 30 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The top two winning entries have been adapted as stamps.
More than 14,000 children from across India participated...
CSR News – Marico Partners with Future Retail to Launch Plastic Recycling Programme
Marico Limited, in line with its commitment to sustainability, has announced its partnership with Future Retail’s format Big Bazaar to launch a plastic recycling programme ‘Plastic Lao Paise Kamao’.
Aligned with the national agenda on plastic waste management, this initiative is aimed at building awareness amongst consumers around plastic recycling and encourages them to take...
Children’s Day – AROH Foundation Pays Tribute to Jawaharlal Nehru
AROH Foundation organized several events to celebrate Children’s day and pay tribute to the first Prime Minister of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. On the special day, AROH Foundation conducted various competitions and games for children across all its centres in Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Meghalaya, Bihar, Odisha, Delhi, and Uttarakhand.
At HDFC supported HRDP’s “Parivartan “in...
World Diabetes Day: Healthy Lifestyle to Defeat the Disease
By: Mr Anuj Gulati
Diabetes is a lifestyle illness and its onset warrants an individual to adopt certain changes in their daily lives such as improved diet, regular exercise and strict monitoring of blood glucose level. With over 72 million currently ailing individuals, and the possibility of this number reaching approx. 130 million by 2025,...
Children’s Day Campaign centered on ‘Celebrating the Rights of the Child’
This Children’s Day, Miracle Foundation India, a fully-licensed Section 25 non-profit organization, is Celebrating the “Rights of the Child”. This year also marks the 30th anniversary of the United Nation’s ‘Convention on the Rights of the Child’. Miracle Foundation India’s model is centered on enabling these 12 rights for children.
The ‘Children’s Day’ campaign aims at...