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Incorporating CSR in your business
By Mr Harish Anchan
Not too long ago, the social responsibility of businesses was to increase their profits. This saying has since evolved greatly, as employers, employees and customers these days, hold businesses to a higher standard and higher accountability. It is not enough for a business to just produce a desired product or service;...
सीएसआर और सरकार के बीच अब होगा “सहयोग”
सीएसआर के तहत कामों को सरकारें खूब सराहा रही है, सीएसआर फंड का इस्तेमाल जरूरतमंद तक पहुंचे इसके लिए सरकारें लगातार कानून और नियमों के बदलाव कर रही है, सेट अप बनाया जा रहा है, सीएसआर के काम में पारदर्शिता हो लिहाजा कई सरकारी संस्थाओं का गठन हो रहा है। हालही में राजस्थान सरकार...
How can we all do our own bit to protect the environment?
Today, there is an evident environmental crisis. Governments and institutions globally are doing their best to save the planet from further damage. This is because there has been a misuse of natural resources leading to depletion. The rise in air pollution caused by many factors including single-use plastics, deforestation, global warming, overpopulation, industrial waste...
What is the importance of CSR?
The relevance and importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is highly significant today in this capitalist economy, to ensure the sustainability of life and business in the future. Mallen Baker defines CSR as, "It is about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society."
According to the United Nations, "Corporate...
CSR News – SBI adopts 15 tigers at Nehru Zoological Park in Hyderabad
State Bank of India, as part of its corporate social responsibility initiative, has adopted 15 tigers of the Nehru Zoological Park, under the zoo’s Animal Adoption Programme.
At an event organised near the tiger enclosure at the zoo last month, SBI bank's Hyderbad Circle DGM K. V. Bangar Raju presented a cheque for ₹15 lakh...
India at COP25: Developed countries that benefited from carbon emissions must repay debt
The Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Prakash Javadekar delivered India’s Statement at the 25th session of Conference of Parties under the UN Framework Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP25, in Madrid, Spain yesterday.
Climate change is real, said Javadekar, observing that the world recognized it and adopted a comprehensive agreement in...
CSR News – ‘Refuse to Ride Elephants: End the Abuse’ campaign in Jaipur
Riding elephants might appear to be innocent, but the industry is driven by money and greed, and can be very deceiving to tourists. What transpires before the elephant ride is animal cruelty and torture at its worst. Once stolen as babies from their families in the wild, they are beaten until they can’t take...
गुजरात दंगों में पाकसाफ निकले मोदी और शाह, नानावती आयोग ने दी क्लीन चिट
आज भी नरेंद्र मोदी से जब भी किसी इंटरव्यू में गुजरात दंगों की बात की जाती है तो मोदी सिहर जाते है, कई सालों से गुजरात गोधरा कांड का दंश झेलने वाले पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी और गृह मंत्री अमित शाह को बड़ी राहत मिली है। गोधरा कांड व गुजरात दंगों की जांच के लिए...
CSR: Four Social Media Influencers Who Are Speaking Up For Change
Social media has become highly relevant in every aspect of life today. From posting pictures of oneself to displaying one’s talent, from teaching to inspiring, from connecting to governing, social media plays a key role in the daily life of every individual. The tool which was once used for recreational purposes is now a...
आईये जानते है कि क्या है नागरिकता संशोधन बिल
नागरिकता संशोधन बिल लोकसभा में पास हो गया, अब बारी है राज्यसभा की। गृहमंत्री अमित शाह ने विपक्षियों के विरोध के बावजूद नागरिकता संशोधन बिल को लोकसभा में सोमवार को पेश किया और उसे पास कराया। बिल पर करीब सात घंटे लंबी बहस चली उसके बाद बहुमत से बिल पास भी हो गया। भारतीय...
CSR: Human Rights in Constitution of India
10th December is marked as Human Rights Day across the world in celebration of the signing of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The milestone document, drafted by representatives from different legal and cultural backgrounds and different countries, was signed by all the 192 members of the UN.
Human rights are rights inherent to all human...
CSR News – Bringing Transparency in CSR
CSR mandate in India has given space for new businesses to exist – the CSR consulting and implementing agencies. These agencies are responsible for coordinating with the corporates and non-profits. They also assist the corporates in selecting the best projects suitable for their brand and even implementing them.
According to a report, CSR spending by...