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Global Stories

red panda

Pledge To Protect Red Pandas & Their Habitats

The Body Shop’s most recent Bio-Bridge project in Nepal, pledges to help protect the endangered Red Pandas of The Himalayas. Under this initiative, the brand will build a Bio-Bridge in Nepal with Red Panda Network to save the endangered Red Pandas, at risk from de-forestation and destruction of their habitats. Since 2007, Red Panda Network...
Combat Human Trafficking

CSR: Combating Human Trafficking And Associated Financial Crimes

Human trafficking and other financial crimes have a devastating impact on individuals and communities around the world. Every year, an estimated $2.4 trillion in proceeds from this and other causes of human misery such as forced prostitution, terrorism and drug trafficking are laundered through the world’s financial markets and banking systems. An independent research...
Landslides in Japan

E-Governance: A powerful tool toward resilient, inclusive and sustainable disaster risk management

A major report launched by the United Nations this week highlights the critical role E-governance plays in building inclusive, resilient societies in anticipation and response to the impact of disasters. The E-Government Survey 2018: Gearing E-government to Support Transformation towards Sustainable and Resilient Societies highlights the complex challenges and varied opportunities of deploying e-government services. Contributing...
Designer babies raise ethical issues

Designer Babies, The Ethics and Morals of Gene Editing

In a scenario that sounds eerily like a science fiction movie plot, designer babies could soon become an everyday reality. Families will conceive children through genetic selection – choosing superior characteristics and reducing susceptibility to genetic diseases. Britain's most respected medical body has given the green light to genetically engineering embryos for non-medical reasons....
Parkinsons scare among elderly in India

Parkinson’s Predicted To Be of Concern Among Elderly

Parkinson's is set to become a nightmare in healthcare. Although India is touted as the youngest nation, the country is bound to age rapidly post 2020. In fact if United Nations estimates are to be believed, between 2015 and 2030, the number of older people is projected to grow by 64%. This does not...
India-Vietnam relations

CSR Gives Shot in the Arm to India-Vietnam Relations

Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang’s visit to India from March 2-4, at the invitation of Indian President Ram Nath Kovind is another encounter in the long-standing friendship and multi-faceted relationship of cooperation between the two countries. The relationship has become ever stronger since the two countries established a strategic partnership in 2007. In September 2016,...

Nelson Mandela’s life has valuable lessons on social justice

Today, Nelson Mandela International Day 2018 marks 100 years since the birth of the loved global figure. Nelson Mandela was South Africa’s first democratically elected President after years of confronting racism and prejudice with peace and equanimity. The Centenary is an occasion to reflect on his life and legacy, and to follow his call to...
Disaster Risk Management

Working Towards Disaster Risk Reduction

According to the data on the official website of United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), over 1,000 cities in Asia Pacific have signed up to its Making Cities Resilient campaign following a historic commitment made by all 329 municipalities of Bangladesh to join the campaign. The UNISDR and its partners are working towards sustainable...
Sustainable development

UN regional consultation on South-South Cooperation opens

The Regional Consultation on South-South Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific has opened in Bangkok with a strong call to scale up South-South and triangular cooperation initiatives to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Senior officials from 32 countries, and representatives of donor agencies, think tanks, civil society organisations and the private sector are...

CARE Enterprises And Bamboo Capital Partners Join Forces To Tackle Poverty

Businesses that improve the lives of people living in poverty across South and South-east Asia were boosted by the coming together of a strategic partnership between Bamboo Capital Partners (“Bamboo”) and CARE Enterprises (“CEI”). CEI, a for-profit subsidiary of CARE USA, a leading non-profit organisation that works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty...
hilton leads in sustainability

CSR: Leading Sustainability In The Hospitality Industry

Sustainability is a major concern today with the deteriorating state our planet is turning into. While it is important to raise awareness among every individual the benefits of a sustainable lifestyle and repercussions of not following through with it, the major damage is done by the commercial entities. The hospitality industry with its constant use...
Income Inequality

Asia-Pacific Countries Adopt Regional Actions To Tackle Inequality

At the close of a high-level UN policy forum in Bangkok, political leaders and senior government officials recommitted themselves to tackling rising inequality across Asia and the Pacific region. Over 540 delegates from 44 Member States and Associate Members attended the 74th UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) session held...

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