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March 18, 2025


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CSR: Rise of Wildlife Crimes in India

India is only 2.4 per cent of the world's land area but contributes about 8 per cent of known global wildlife, including over 45,000...

Dell Seizes Circular Economy Opportunities Such As ‘Pollution Ink’

The circular economy is maturing, and companies no longer have to reinvent the wheel to take on every new supply chain challenge. They can...

Be a responsible traveller by planting a sapling with tripXOXO

tripXOXO is actively participating in promoting sustainable and responsible tourism. tripXOXO is a discovery and booking platform for things to do activities and experiences....

Is 3D printing really eco-friendly?

3D printing has been hailed as the catalyst for the next industrial revolution and the “democratisation of manufacturing”, being viewed as having the capacity...

CSR: India Adopts a Sustainable Cooling Action Plan

Temperatures have been hitting above forty degrees during summers in India. In the last four years, Indian states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and...

School Children Practice Organic Farming After School Hours in Maharashtra

Organic farming is gaining a lot of mileage in recent years considering the damage caused because of the chemical fertilisers. The depleting quality of...

The Body Shop launches its first Community Trade recycled plastic from Bengaluru

Our planet is drowning in plastic. The devastating effect of plastic waste on our oceans is well known. However, there is a human element...

Colgate India is first Indian co. to be certified TRUE Zero Waste Platinum

Colgate India has received TRUE Zero Waste Platinum certification, for all its four manufacturing sites in India, from Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), the premier organization...

CSR: Aviation Industry Under Pressure to Reduce Emissions

The Aviation industry that was once synonymous to innovation and progress is now lagging way behind in terms of innovation to curb the carbon...

How smart is your smartphone about the environment?

Smartphones have revolutionized our daily lives. From instant messaging to global interaction at our fingertips, today’s communication is fast, efficient and low-cost. But how smart...

Nestlé India Collaborates with Gati Foundation launches ‘Plastic Express’ in Uttarakhand

Strengthening its commitment to plastic waste management, Nestlé India in collaboration with Gati Foundation, a Dehradun based environmental action and advocacy group launched a...

CSR: Initiatives for Protection and Propagation of Halophytes

With extensive use of chemical fertilisers, there is a significant increase in the salinity of soil as well as water making it difficult for...

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