When 16-year-old climate warrior Greta Thunberg said #HowDareYou at the United Nations (U.N.), she gave a room full of world leaders a dressing down...
Coinciding with its participation in Climate Week and the United Nations General Assembly, 3M is acting on climate change through a new partnership with...
Across the globe, indigenous and rural women already make invaluable contributions to their communities while sustainably managing natural resources. They use, manage, and conserve...
A new technology developed by Indian scientists for ecological restoration is helping in the revival of mangroves degraded due to rising sea levels, climate...
The accumulation of marine litter in the world’s oceans over the past decades has risen. Plastic is ubiquitous, cheap to produce and extremely durable....
A new global coalition to combat sand and dust storms was launched at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Conference of Parties (UNCCD...
Denim is among the fastest-growing fashion trend in the recent decade. With its sturdy finish and a comfortable fitting, it has become highly popular...
India has experienced unprecedented growth in urbanization in recent decades. More than 30% of India’s population is already living in urban areas and an...