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Health & Sanitation

Mental Health Awareness

Sharmaji Ka Beta – Mental Health

Sharmaji ka beta is a sensitive guy. He is a good listener. Hence, lot of his friends and colleagues come to him to share their problems. In his family too, whenever anyone is in distress, they would approach Sharma knowing, he would not judge and help them out with logical solution. Sharma firmly believed,...

Use Of Sanitary Pads Sparse Despite Govt Schemes: Studies

Despite a slew of government schemes aimed to promote menstrual hygiene among women and adolescent girls, use of sanitary napkins is still sparse in large swathes of India, various studies show. The Menstrual Hygiene Scheme (MHS) to provide subsidized sanitary napkins was launched by the health ministry in 2011. It was aimed to reach 15...
No Smoking

Sharmaji Ka Beta – No Smoking

Sharmaji ka beta is dwelling upon different methods to quit smoking. He is trying to figure out ways which can bring self realization and determination to quit, among his smoker friends. Sharma started monitoring the government efforts regarding smoking. He wondered if the efforts were actually enough. Sharma realized, government has taken up the no smoking...

Honouring All The Graceful Survivors

In India, cancer has become one of the four leading causes of death. According to estimates from the Cancer Registry Program of ICMR, Delhi has the highest prevalence rate in India – there are currently 200,000 people in the capital with cancer with about 21,000 being added annually.  Of these, 10,000 die every year....
Quit Smoking

Sharmaji Ka Beta – Quit Smoking

Sharmaji ka beta had heard many reasons as to why people smoked or started smoking. He also came across a weird perception that people had about smokers. A colleague told him, smoking allowed him to have an easy break at work whenever he wanted. He said, if he would take a break and use...

Punjab FM urges industry to spend CSR funds on health, education

Punjab Finance Minister Manpreet Singh Badal on Monday called upon industrial houses to spend on education, health and other sectors under their corporate social responsibility programs for uplifting the social and economic conditions of the people in the state. Badal made the appeal after inaugurating a new building at a government primary school here. The building has...

Include Lepers And Help Improve Their Lives

India has about 10 million leprosy affected people, who need daily care and support but do not receive them. Even the laws cannot help them in spite of them being good citizens of this country. There are about 7000 leprosy colonies in India where affected people have made their own settlements due to the social stigma around their disease. According...
No Smoking

Sharmaji Ka Beta – Why Smoke?

Sharmaji ka beta is a sensible person. He knows that smoking is not good for health. So he never did. However, lot of his friends and colleagues did. Everyday in office, his seniors and colleagues would go out for a smoke while Sharma would sit inside the office waiting for them to come back. Over...

Popularising The Act Of Necessary Sanitation

A couple of years ago, The Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasised the need for adequate sanitation in India is his Republic Day speech. The then Union rural development minister, Jairam Ramesh said that India is one of the filthiest countries in the world. After spending Rs 19,626 crore in last 10 years on Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC), a large population of India...

Samsung Launches Smart Healthcare Citizenship Initiative in Manipur

Samsung India has inaugurated the Samsung Smart Healthcare program at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) in Imphal, Manipur to provide affordable and quality healthcare to patients from the economically and socially weaker sections of society. As part of its Smart Healthcare program, Samsung provides advanced and innovative healthcare equipment such as ultrasound and digital...

Collaboratively Working To Boost The Healthcare Sector

Development on the healthcare front is the need of the hour today. High healthcare costs and lack of affordable healthcare services often result in greater out-of-pocket expenditure for diagnosis, consultation and treatment which has been a challenge for the underprivileged section of the society. The healthcare segment needs a lot of contribution which can be addressed by public private partnerships and increased...
Keep it Clean

Sharmaji Ka Beta Keeps It Clean

Sharmaji ka beta does everything right. From getting into a top B-school, to securing a well paying job, he is an ideal son. He got married last week to a girl of his choice, named Susan. He had met Susan several months ago, when he went to Germany for a conference. The junior Sharma brought...

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