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Business Ethics & Philanthropy

Tata Motors CSR activities

Tata Motors addressed 15 out of 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Tata Motors recently released its FY 2017-18 Corporate Social Responsibility Report, highlighting its commitment to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Tata Motors have already addressed 15 of the 17 SDGs, and have demonstrated remarkable progress with some of their latest achievement being the nutrition initiatives undertaken at Jamshedpur. The Company has made conscious efforts...
Ford Volunteers During The Global Caring Month

Ford Employees in India Celebrate the Spirit of Volunteerism This September

The month of September will witness close to 14,000 dedicated men and women across Ford’s operations in India come together to contribute to a better world. With close to 47 projects chosen as part of the Global Caring Month, Ford employees across Chennai, Sanand, Gurgaon/NCR and Coimbatore will contribute to society in the areas...

XIN Philanthropy Conference 2018 Global Forum

The Global Forum of Alibaba Group’s XIN Philanthropy Conference 2018 will be held in India on September 5, 2018. The Global Forum is being held under the theme of ‘Love and Infinity’ with an emphasis on Education, Child Protection and Women Empowerment. Another important issue of this event is to discuss on how the...
Toilet Water Usage

CSR: आपके टॉयलेट के पानी से करोड़ों कमा रही है सरकार

पानी की एक बूंद की एहमियत प्यासे से बढियाँ और कौन बता सकता है, जल है तो कल है इस तरह की बातें हम हमेशा किताबों और सरकारी विज्ञापनों में जरूर सुनते और पढ़ते है लेकिन जब जल संरक्षण की बात आती है तो हम तनिक भी नहीं सोचते। कहते है बूँद बूँद से सागर...

Corporate Social Responsibility And Its Concerns

India has historically had a challenging ecosystem with difficult terrains all across the country, from the north to the south and east to the west. Equally challenging have been the diverse cultural heritage and habits in different areas and the socio-economic disparity between the different strata of society. In the 21st century, as India finds...
Change the world

Two Indian Cos Ranked In Top 25 Global ‘Change The World’ List

Reliance Jio and Mahindra & Mahindra are the only Indian firms to make it to the top 25 on the list of 63 companies in the global ‘Change The World’ list from Fortune. The prestigious list recognizes companies that have had a positive social impact through activities that are part of their core business...
Healthcare sakhis

CSR: Promoting Healthcare In Rural India

Healthcare and sanitation is a right to everyone. But because of lack of infrastructure, awareness and professionals, it is not accessible to about 60% of the population in India. About 70% of the population are living in rural areas in the country. With lack of healthcare and sanitation in these areas, the mortality rates...
CSR is the moral voice of business

CSR: The Moral Voice Of Business

Andrew Carnegie, steel tycoon and one of the greatest philanthropists whose business ethos was to "do well in order to do good" was one of the early advocates and steward of CSR. Mahatma Gandhi’s theory of trusteeship intended to avoid the evils and combine the benefits of capitalism and communism, to socialise property without...
Parsi mother and child

Philanthropy Inherent In Parsis

As we celebrate Parsi New Year today, think about this. You cannot imagine modern India without the Parsis. The second president of the Indian National Congress was Dadabhai Naoroji. In 1971, Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw liberated Bangladesh from Islamabad’s oppressive rule. Soli Sorabjee, a legendary lawyer was a torch bearer for freedom of expression and...
work-life balance

Work-Life Balance In India V/s the Western Countries

Work-life balance in India is like a dream that has never come true. In the metro cities of India, where people often end up commuting for 6 hours a day and then work for another 8-9 hours, work acquaintances are more privileged than families. Even if the commute is not too extensive, the competition...

Blockchain Technology To Fight Corruption

Blockchain technology has gained a lot of popularity since it was introduced to the mass audience along with Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency released by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. There have been many discussions about the potential of this technology and its powers to solve real world problems. Blockchain is a decentralised digital ledger where all the...

सीएसआर फंड से और भी सक्षम हुई गुरुग्राम पुलिस

मेरा देश बदल रहा है, मेरा देश बढ़ रहा है, सीएसआर की अनिवार्यता जब से देश में लागू हुई है, मानो सामाजिक बदलाव के लिए एक हवा सीचल पड़ी है, सीएसआर की मदद से कॉर्पोरेट कंपनियां पानी की तरह पैसा बहा रही है, गुरुग्राम पुलिस को और भी एडवांस बनाने के लिएसुजुकी कंपनी ने...

हिंदी मंच