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March 29, 2025

Author: Neha Bilandani

We Still Need To Address Existing Gaps For Women Hygiene

According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 2015-16, only about 57.6% of the Indian women use sanitary napkins and 62% women in the...

CSR: Integrate Sports In Your Daily Routine

With the Indian badminton contingent making us all proud at the recently concluded Common Wealth Games 2018, the action continues on the court. The...

CSR: Road Trip To Promote Organ Donation

India historically has a very low rate of organ donation. Although this number has improved over the past three-four years, the country still has a long way...

CSR: Corporates Can Incubate And Nurture New Ideas In Energy Sector

There will be no resources left at the way humans are consuming energy. The Indian government is aiming to develop cost effective and efficient...

CSR: Innovate Methods To Conserve Water And Its Consumption

To conserve water on an individual level, a team of passionate bikers have started Express Bike Works (EBW) a two-wheeler service center. Conventionally bike wash and...

CSR: The Ever Growing Risks Of The Cyber Space

According to the ‘Internet Security Threat Report’ by security solutions provider Symantec, India has surfaced as the third most vulnerable country in terms of...

Look Deep Into Nature This Earth Day

On April 22, over one billion people in 192 countries will celebrate Earth Day. Established in 1970 to raise awareness about the need to conserve our planet's...

CSR: Modification To E-Waste Management Rules

Recently, the E-waste Management Rule was amended. The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) have simplified targets for electronics makers to collect e-waste depending...

CSR: Downsizing The Brain Drain India Faces

At some point we have all wondered, what if IIT graduates would rather stay back instead of going outside for easy opportunities? What if...

Improving The Eco Balance Of Water Treatment Systems

A public water system is referred to certain utilities and organisations which provide drinking water. Designing water systems are usually a tedious process. It...

CSR: Combating Cancer With A Gifted Smile

CSR Rules came into effect on 1 April 2014. It state that companies with a net worth of Rs500 crore or revenue of Rs1,000...

CSR: Educating All For A Transformative Change

The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act or Right to Education Act (RTE), is an Act of the Parliament of India,...

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