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March 9, 2025

Author: Hency Thacker

CSR: Save Water From Everyday Life

India is facing its worst water crisis currently. With a population that is estimated to reach up to 1.7 billion by 2050, water needs...

Enjoy The Darkness To Avoid Light Pollution

Mumbai is referred to as a city that never sleeps. No matter what time of the day or night one can always find people...

Solar Lab Inaugurated In The Capital

Energy is depleting. Since the industrial revolution and many inventions that have made our lives easier, the demand for the raw materials and natural...

Teaching Road Safety At A Tender Age

Road safety is a serious concern in India. With a large population density and almost non-existent traffic sense, mishaps are a common happening in India. The...

Sridevi, A Woman Of Substance

Every woman is like a goddess. She has a capacity to give endless love but also fight and even kill for her honor, love...

Skill Development – A Path to Future

Skill development is the need of the hour for every individual. With Artificial intelligence taking over lot of human jobs, it is important for...

Healthcare – A Right, Not A Privilege

Health care in India is still not a privilege to everyone. There are several communities in the country for which basic healthcare needs are...

World’s Highest Ice Rink Inaugurated In India

The 2018 winter Olympics held in South Korea came and went with just two participants from India. India, a country with a population of...

Solve Puzzles To Avoid Illness

Prevention is better than cure, especially when it comes to health and wellness. With more than 60 million Indians suffering from Mental illnesses as...

Education And Parenting Go Hand In Hand

Neurological research shows that the education and parenting received during early childhood plays an important role in children’s brain development. It is during this...

Sustainability – Path From Waste To Alternate Energy

“We would need 4.6 earths to survive if an average person continues to live the way they do right now. But we have only...

Food Wastage In India

According to a report by the World Resources Institute (WRI) in association with the Rockefeller Foundation and Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the...

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