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March 7, 2025

Author: The CSR Journal

30 Child Crusaders Kick Start Mission To Conserve Water in Maharashtra

Endress+Hauser India, Swiss automation major, along with students and villagers from the Marathwada region of Maharashtra, launched a statewide crusade for water conservation ‘Save...

Marching for Safety and Equality in the World of Work

Hundreds of domestic workers, construction workers, trade union members, advocates, civil society organisations, working women and youth participated in #March4Women, a silent march to...

Collaborative action to empower India’s 250 million adolescents

Annual philanthropy convening ‘Dasra Philanthropy Week 2019’ was hosted by Dasra, a strategic philanthropy foundation, in New Delhi. It brought the empowerment of India’s 250...

Food Wastage At Social Functions: Delhi Government Drafts Policy

The Delhi government has drafted a policy to keep a check on the food wastage at social functions in the national capital. All organisers and...

WhatsApp and NASSCOM Foundation collaborate for Digital Literacy in India

Leading up to the 2019 General Elections, WhatsApp and NASSCOM Foundation - the social arm of the industry body, National Association of Software and...

TISS AESDII Announces Second Batch of ‘Development Perspectives, Managements and Practices’ Certificate Program

The five-day certificate program by TISS is an attempt at training more individuals to participate in social and national development at a professional level. CSR...

Tata Trusts launch Incubation & Design Centre for handloom and craft development in Odisha

The Tata Trusts have launched an Incubation & Design Centre for handloom and craft development in Odisha. The Centre will serve as learning and...

PokerBaazi Premier League to sponsor 14 Underprivileged Girls with prize pool

PokerBaazi has announced its association with non-profit NGO Vidya Integrated Development for Youth and Adults (VIDYA). PokerBaazi will donate a share of the rake...

UN Women and Procter & Gamble announce #WeSeeEqual commitment to gender equality

Co-hosted with UN Women, P&G’s first IMEA #WeSeeEqual Summit brought together business and government leaders, and influencers to share inspiration and surface insights around...

Philanthropist Yusuf Hamied donates 8.7 crores to Royal Society of Chemistry in India

Indian businessperson, scientist and philanthropist Dr. Yusuf Hamied, has announced the launch of the new Inspirational Science Programme with a significant donation of 8.7...

CSR Arm of Kerala Firm to Contest Lok Sabha Election

Twenty-20, a corporate social responsibility arm of the Anna-Kitex group, one of the largest private sector companies in Kerala, has decided to field a...

NCPA presents Nrityaparichay

National Centre for Performing Arts, India's premier cultural institution, has restored their CSR initiative “Nrityaparichay”. A three day programme, Nrityaparichay takes place on March...

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