Home Top Stories “Dire Need To Instill Confidence In People With Disabilities” – Major D...

“Dire Need To Instill Confidence In People With Disabilities” – Major D P Singh


International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3rd saw many organisations coming forward to do their bit with endeavours ranging from donating necessary medical equipment, fund raising to taking up a social cause.

Persons with disabilities (PwD) are often sympathised which is not what they want or need. The feeling of being looked down often leads to feeling of isolation and affects the individuals self confidence. India is home to 21 million PwD or 2.1% of its total population.  Often we do come across many talented individuals who haven’t let their disability come in the way of achieving great heights.

The Kargil War of 1999 took place between India and Pakistan. Many people lost their lives and several were left injured with effects ranging from temporary to permanent disability. During the course of Operation Vijay, Major DP Singh was grievously injured and brought to hospital where surgeons were able to save him by amputating his leg. Even though he lost his leg, he did not let that break his spirit. He took it as another challenge to do something. He went on to become India’s first blade runner with more than 18 marathons to his credit, and also has his name in the Limca Book of Records.

img_20161127_072859680_hdrInspired by Singh, JK Cement organised SwachhAbility Run on World Disability Day aiming to raise awareness about inclusion of PwD as equals and contributing towards Governments Swachh Bharat initiative. The run spread across seven cities over a span of seven days starting from Chandigarh on November 27 with the last leg ending in Noida on December 3.

The run had two sub events – a 10 km run and a three km run. The first run was open to all for participation and the latter was aimed at encouraging school children and anyone else who wished to run shorter distance. After the short run, all participants including PwDs took part in the cleanliness drive.

The event claimed participation of over 10,000 people. “There is a dire need of instilling confidence in PwDs across the country and also change the perception of society towards them by making them showcase their hidden abilities by performing on ground,” said Major Singh.

students-of-mata-bhagwanti-chadha-niketan-clicking-selfies-with-people-at-wave-mallWith an endeavour to spread the message of empathy and care, ‘children with special needs’ from Mata Bhagwanti Chadha Niketan, reached out to people at various locations like leading corporate houses, schools, universities, malls and markets to apprise people about the issues and concerns the PwDs face in the society.

Children distributed an array of balloons with smileys on them, and clicked selfies with people they met. They also performed a Nukkad Natak titled ‘Viklang Kaun’ at Wave Mall in Noida, narrating the daily struggles of the disabled people.

Meanwhile, on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Vodafone India, announced the launch of special caller tunes for the speech and hearing impaired. These caller tunes can be availed lifelong for free.

The challenge speech and hearing impaired users often face is that when they order any service like a fleet cab or a parcel from e-shopping platforms, the driver/courier by default calls their phone to inform them of his arrival, which they are unable to respond to, thereby missing out on accessing several such services currently.

These specially developed caller tunes provide a simple solution to this very practical and routine challenge. By downloading and activating either of the two special caller tunes, anyone calling them will be requested to send a message via SMS or Whatsapp, which they can see and respond to.

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