Home Press Release CSR: APM terminals Pipavav launches Mobile Health Unit for locals

CSR: APM terminals Pipavav launches Mobile Health Unit for locals

APM Terminals Pipavav, one of the leading gateway ports in Western India, launched Mobile Health Unit for providing basic health facilities to the villagers. The Mobile health unit will serve nearby villagers in Shiyalbet, Rampara, Bherai, Thavi, Divilo, Devpara and truck drivers and migrant labours. This is port’s 4th CSR based mobile unit, other mobile based CSR activities are Mobile Vet Clinic, 24 x 7 Advance Life Support Ambulance and Mobile Science and Maths Lab.
With the aim of early detection of ailments or health issues, the port aims at timely treatment thereby saving lives. The mobility factor infuses efficiency, timely and early diagnostic, hence benefiting the residents in the locality.
The mobile health unit will provide OPD services to the locals. It will help in basic diagnostic facilities like sugar and albumen in urine and HB%, blood sugar level, offer basic medicines as per PHC norms, will help in pregnancy confirmation and rapid diagnostic tests for malaria, reproductive and child health services, eye check-up of truckers and school students.  Treatment of acute minor ailments including skin diseases, wound cleaning, dressing, and suturing, early detection of TB, Malaria, leprosy, etc. and locally endemic communicable diseases and their treatment will also be taken care of by the mobile health unit.
The Mobile Health Unit was inaugurated by COO, Captain P K Mishra on Monday, also celebrating Gujarat Foundation Day.  Village leaders, port officials, and a few NGO partners also attended the ceremony.
The port has provided the CSR abilities to its community since 2016. In January 2022, the company launched the Mobile Maths and Science Lab, which currently serves over 12000 children and is planned to serve an additional 1000 students per year, spanning across 25 schools in Rajula Talukas. Thereon, in February 2022, a 24-hour Advanced Life Support Ambulance was established, handling 45 to 50 emergency cases per month in Shiyalbet, Bherai, Rampara, for migrant labours and truck drivers.
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