Home Press Release NGO Sakshi initiates Teach For Outreach for raising funds

NGO Sakshi initiates Teach For Outreach for raising funds

With the pandemic taking precedence, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds saw a sharp diversion towards COVID-19 prevention and treatment. It has also stoked donation fatigue amongst individual donors. Wading through these uncertain waters, and the ‘new normal’ been an abstraction of Zoom calls and reorienting spaces around us. Sakshi-a rights based NGO, has innovatively reworked its approach and started the Teach for Outreach (TFO) initiative.
The initiative is to encourage creative engagement that doubles as a fundraiser towards The Rakshin Project of Sakshi, which aims to create Rakshins for the prevention of sexual violence and child sexual abuse. #TeachforOutreach aims to create sustained engagement that encourages diverse expressions and dynamism towards collective responsibility.
For the Teach for Outreach initiative, Sakshi recently collaborated with the multitalented comedian Naveen Richard for the first workshop on ‘The Basics of Writing Sketch Comedy’ on November 8. This was followed by Masaba Masaba fame Rytasha Rathore, spearheading ‘The Basics of Acting’ workshop on November 17 and Fashion Photographer, artist and performer Roshini Kumar with ‘The Creativity and Self-Love’ on November 20.
The idea behind these workshops is to promote free registrations and a donate-what-you-can approach. This way the audience got to engage with the creative outlook, but were not restricted by a paywall. With younger crowds pooling in small amounts and even asking to volunteer, every form of contribution goes towards building Sakshi’s vision and inclusive approach to community building.
All three, Naveen Richard, Rytasha Rathore and Roshini Kumar, are proud Rakshin ambassadors. While the collective protocol “Stay Home. Stay Safe” stands, it is important to recognise that home is not a safe place for 50% of our population. With this initiative, Sakshi invites its audience to join hands in a youth-led movement working to end Child Sexual Abuse in India.
Natashja Rathore, Director-Communication, Sakshi-a rights based NGO said, “Prioritizing emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellness, the Rakshin Project has three Resolution Mechanisms that can assist survivors in processing experiences of sexual violence and harm – Legal Advice, Online Counselling and Creative Expressions. Healing is an ongoing process that varies from person to person. We believe it is possible to use art as a form of expression for healing. Teach for Outreach focusses on Creative Expression and offers the Knowledge, Tools and One-on-One interactions with creative professionals, enabling the participants to build their skills in a focused fun-filled environment. The support and love that we’ve received from the creative community for all our campaigns and initiatives is overwhelming.”
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