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Welfare For All For CSR

Clothes Distribution Drive by Emaar India CSR

Charity begins at home. If you cannot help yourself and keep your own people happy, how will you ever keep the world happy? It will be nothing but hypocrisy.

After the enactment of the CSR mandate, many corporates have associated themselves with various NGOs, or have started their own foundations as part of their CSR wing. However, several times, the employees or the board members of the corporate do not have any clue about their employer’s CSR activities. This is why sometimes; the help does not reach to the employees of the company who might be potential beneficiaries, for the activities claimed to be happening are just to show numbers on paper.

Emaar India does not work like that. The leading global property developer directly works with many laborers. Hence they are in direct touch with the underprivileged. The organization has directed its CSR activities towards its own employees who are at the lowest level in their hierarchical structure. This is in order to uplift their life style.

With the philosophy of ‘Welfare For All’ Emaar India organized a free clothes distribution drive at ‘Gurgaon Greens’ project in Gurugram, for the construction workers of the project and their children. The social welfare initiative was conducted in collaboration with Clothes Box Foundation.

Under the initiative, more than 1000 construction laborers along with their children – were provided new pair of clothes.

The organization has been conducting several social engagement programs for its construction workforce which comprises the bedrock of growth for the real estate entity. The Company has also been conducting regular free Health check-up & medicine distribution camps for its project workers across Gurugram, which has also benefitted close to 800 laborers thus far.

The initiative by the organization doesn’t just improve the standard of living of these laborers, but it also makes them loyal towards the company. This is a total win-win for both the sides.

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The CSR Journal Team
