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Tag: World Environment Day

sustainable travel

Be a responsible traveller by planting a sapling with tripXOXO

tripXOXO is actively participating in promoting sustainable and responsible tourism. tripXOXO is a discovery and booking platform for things to do activities and experiences....
World Environment Day

Environmental Sustainability Beyond World Environment Day

World Environment Day (WED) is the United Nation's principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of our environment. First held in...
Be Better People For A Plastic-Free Planet Earth

Be Better People For A Plastic-Free Planet Earth

World Environment Day is a time to become more aware of how we-as individuals, corporations and businesses are affecting our planet. As per the...

Our Last Chance And Only Choice: World Environment Day

Today, human beings have become relatively preoccupied in the drudgery of the daily grind. This leaves little time to connect with nature and in...

No More Reckless Corporate Tree Plantations Please!

Environment journalist and author of Green Wars Bahar Dutt spells out some Dos and Don’ts for corporates gearing up to spend their mandatory 2% on wp

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