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Tag: Japan

Lab Grown Babies

Science: Lab में पैदा होंगे बच्चे, नहीं रहेगी मां की कोख की जरूरत

Science इतनी तरक्की कर चुका है कि चांद तारों की बातें अब पुरानी हो चुकी हैं। अब Japan के वैज्ञानिकों ने दावा किया है...
Paris Agreement

Japan Cabinet Adopts New Decarbonisation Targets to Reduce Greenhouse Gas

The Japanese government on Tuesday adopted a new decarbonisation target, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 70% from the 2013 levels....
Indian Navy Day

Indian Navy Day: Naval Modernisation Key to Strength in Indo-Pacific

Almost five decades ago, in 1971, the Indian Navy launched an offensive operation on a Pakistani port city, also its naval headquarters: Karachi. The...

Apparel retailer along with UNHCR mark World Refugee Day in Japan

Tokyo, Japan: Fast Retailing Co., Ltd., hosted a media conference in Tokyo to mark World Refugee Day on June 20. In cooperation with UNHCR,...

Rs. 920 Crore Greening Project to Address Climate Change to be Implemented by JICA in Tamil Nadu

In March of this year, the government of Tamil Nadu and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed an MoU for the implementation of...
Maruti Suzuki welcomes second batch

Maruti Suzuki’s Japan-India Institute for Manufacturing welcomes 2nd batch

After recording 100% placement for its first batch, Maruti Suzuki’s Japan-India Institute for Manufacturing (JIM) at Ganpat University in Mehsana, Gujarat welcomed its second...
Skilling Youth for Internships Abroad

CSR: Skilling Youth For Internships Abroad

India has the world’s largest youth workforce today and it is estimated that there will be 104.62 million fresh entrants in the labour market...

हिंदी मंच