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Benefits of Owning An Exercise Bike At Home

An exercise bike is a well-known fitness equipment that can be used for indoor exercises. It is known by many other names such as...

World No Tobacco Day 2020 #TobaccoExposed

31st May is observed as World No Tobacco Day across the world. The day is observed each year to inform the public about the...

बढ़ सकता है लॉक डाउन – राजेश टोपे, स्वास्थ्य मंत्री, महाराष्ट्र

महाराष्ट्र में लगातार कोरोना पॉजिटिव के मामले बढ़ रहे हैं, देश के दूसरे राज्यों से तुलना करें तो महाराष्ट्र सबसे अव्वल है। देश में...

कोरोना वायरस की हर जानकारी, भारत में कहर जारी 

भारत समेत पूरी दुनिया में कोरोना का कहर जारी है, हर दिन भारत में मामले बढ़ रहे हैं, वहीं मौतों के आकड़ों में भी...

CSR News: Toilet Board Coalition to host Global Sanitation Economic Summit in India

On the occasion of World Toilet Day, Geneva-based Toilet Board Coalition (TBC) is hosting the Global Sanitation Economic Summit in Pune, India, from November...

CSR: Sugar Industry Responsible for Global Health Crisis

Sugar is considered to be a health hazard by various nutritionists. In fact, several public health experts say it can be as addictive as cocaine....

चमकी बुखार, मौत का अस्पताल

टेलीविज़न स्क्रीन जैसे ही शुरू होता है, चीखें सुनाई देती है, उन माताओं की, उन पिता का, जो अपने दिल के टुकड़े को मौत...
Thalassemia Blood Transfusion

CSR: Fighting Thalassemia in India

Thalassemia is the most common genetic blood disorder that is prevalent in India. It is a blood disorder, which destroys critical red blood cells....
perchlorate contaminating food

CSR: How can India Inc Help in Reducing Perchlorate Contamination

Perchlorate contamination is slowly and gradually taking over all the food and water we consume. Whether or not we are aware of it, we...
TB Bacteria

Isolate TB, Not the Patients

Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious infectious bacterial disease that majorly affects the lungs. It is propagated when an infected person coughs or sneezes. There...
Inclusive Agriculture

CSR: How Agriculture Affects Health

Inclusive Agriculture is a type of organic agriculture where all the organisms are considered important in food production. It is a practice where every...
health profile of India

CSR: The Health Profile of India 2018

A healthy population can lead any country to the heights of progress and success. India has made significant progress in many health indicators. The...

हिंदी मंच