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स्किल डेवलपमेंट के नाम पर यूपी के सरकारी स्कूल में बच्चे बेच रहे हैं आलू प्याज

हर एक पेरेंट्स का सपना होता है कि उनके बच्चे पढ़ लिखकर अच्छी नौकरी करें, सरकारी नौकरी करें, अधिकारी बनें। इसी लिए अभिभावक बच्चों...

Chhattisgarh school children to receive primary education in 18 local dialects

In a move to ensure inclusivity in education, the Government of Chhattisgarh led by Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai has decided to impart primary...

Private school students donate books and conduct classes for Government school children in Hyderabad

Telangana, India: The students and teachers at Manthan School, Hyderabad conducted an education outreach program at Keshav Nagar Government School in Gowlidoddi during their...

Nationwide campaign on Tobacco Free Educational Institutions started

Tobacco use is one of the major causes of preventable deaths and diseases in India and accounts for nearly 1.35 million deaths every year...

Chandigarh Govt school students to be educated at Health Education Centre

In a first-of-its-kind initiative, Chandigarh administration is coming up with a Health Education Centre for government school students in the Union Territory. The Chandigarh...

इस इलेक्शन रिपोर्ट में जानें क्यों खस्ताहाल है भारत की शिक्षा व्यवस्था और क्या है उपाय

देश में Education Infrastructure की कमी, जर्जर स्कूल, बदहाल Education System, 70 फीसदी छात्र बारहवीं के आगे नहीं पढ़ पाना ये तमाम मुद्दे है,...

सीएसआर से बदला सिद्धार्थनगर के स्कूलों व अस्पतालों का रूप

उत्तर प्रदेश के सिद्धार्थनगर जिले में बड़े पैमाने पर सकारात्मक बदलाव हो रहा है। ये बदलाव सीएसआर यानी कॉरपोरेट सोशल रिस्पांसिबिलिटी फंड से किया...

CSR for Digital Education: Computer lab inaugurated at Government Model Sanskriti Primary School in Gurugram

Gurugram, India: DreamFolks, a tech enabled global travel and lifestyle services provider, today inaugurated a state-of-the-art computer lab for students at Government Model Sanskriti...

CSR to support education of government school students in Uttar Pradesh

REC Limited, a Maharatna CPSE under the Ministry of Power and a leading NBFC, through its CSR arm REC Foundation has partnered with the...

CSR Programme upcycles plastic waste into school benches in Chennai

Chennai, India: With the aim of supporting India’s commitments towards a cleaner, greener, and healthier tomorrow; and as outlined in UN SDG #12, Sunfeast...

Government School in Panchkula to go ‘Smart’ through CSR support from Pharma company

Chandigarh, India: As part of its ongoing initiatives to give back to the society by creating a better tomorrow for school children from disadvantaged...

MoU signd with Department of Tribal Affairs, Govt of Madhya Pradesh to introduce project ‘Saksham’ – a Life Skills Education programme in government schools

In a visionary move to shape a brighter future for the adolescents of Madhya Pradesh, the State’s Department of Tribal Affairs, which oversees education...

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