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Tag: Climate Action

Why Business Leaders Should Take Climate Action Immediately

The CoP 25 (Conference of Parties) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) failed to reach a deal on the 2020...

COP25 – Climate Action – Just talks, No Deal!

The CoP 25 (Conference of Parties) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Madrid, ran for two extra days but...

Five Things to Know About Emissions Gap Report 2019

The world is striving to fight climate change by making efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions in every sector. Various climate summits are inspiring...

New Zealand Passed A Climate Change Bill Unanimously

The Paris Agreement of 2015 was accompanied by nationally determined contribution (NDC) targets set by countries domestically and reported to the United Nations Framework...

Italy to make climate change study compulsory in schools

Italy will next year become the world’s first country to make it compulsory for schoolchildren to study climate change and sustainable development, Education Minister...

Preventive Climate Action or Disaster Management

Businesses are recognizing the risks associated with climate change. More severe weather patterns are already impacting the economy and making parts of the world...

150 Countries Participate in Global Climate Strike

With rising awareness on climate change, the world is standing together today to speak up against the phenomena. In order to show their solidarity...
Climate Change

Accountability of Corporates on Climate Action in Question

22 Indian companies have been accused of not revealing the full extent of their impact on the climate crisis, water shortages and deforestation by...

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