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Tag: board exams

Bihar student kills classmate

Bihar: नकल कराने से इनकार करने पर छात्र ने की सहपाठी की हत्या

Bihar के Sasaram जिले से एक सनसनीखेज मामला सामने आया है। यहां 10 वीं क्लास के एक छात्र ने दूसरे छात्र को इसलिए गोली...

Jharkhand boosts digital literacy: Laptops and smartphones for board exam toppers

As school students across Jharkhand begin to appear for board exams starting today, here is a news that will certainly encourage them to study...
Board exam stress

Take Breaks to Deal With Exam Stress

Exam stress is a significant problem in India. With rising competition the exam time is almost like a nightmare for many students. The students...

हिंदी मंच