Home CATEGORIES Business Ethics & Philanthropy Stunting Reduced In Chattisgarh By Government Efforts

Stunting Reduced In Chattisgarh By Government Efforts


The National Family Health Survey 3, published in 2005-06, had indicated an alarming rate of 48% stunted children in the country. However, in the National Family Health Survey 4, this rate has dropped to 38.4%. In India, malnutrition and stunting have been a longstanding problem, but it has been on the decline consistently, from the figures in the reports. A noteworthy change in numbers was seen in the state of Chattisgarh. The stunting of children under five in Chattisgarh ranked fourth among the five worst states, with respect to nutrition and stunting in the country, a decade ago. The statistics for the eastern state have changed for the better, in the NFHS-4 report.

The stunting rate in Chattisgarh reduced to 37.6%, from the enormous 52.9% in the state from 2005-06. The state did better than the all India average of 38.4%. The two national programmes, implemented by separate ministries, Ministry of Women and Child Development and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare led to the betterment of the state. They operate across the country and are designed to deliver all of the nutrition‐specific interventions through their frontline workers. Mid day meals, Anganwadis, feeding and day care centres run under the Integrated Child Welfare schemes of the government were in place in Chattisgarh, as usual. But the scheme that really had an impact was the Fulwari scheme. Under this scheme, creches were set up with a committee of mothers, who bought food from within the village or the local markets. The funds came from the state, straight to the village panchayats and therefore, more accessible to the people. The scheme caught up really fast with the rural areas of Chattisgarh, and it was working efficiently, since year 2012.

In a report published by NGOBOX titled India CSR Outlook Report 2016-17, it is stated that CSR funds and projects are focussed in particular states only. Maharashtra being the centre of the CSR expenditure by companies, there are numerous states like Chattisgarh where no projects are being implemented. The state government of Chattisgarh has been able to achieve a remarkable feat, with help of some innovative schemes. These are issues which need a wider attention, not just by the government but the private entities, as well. An investment in these states where the funds will address problems of health, sanitation and education will help bring faster results in the country’s dynamics.

Stunting among children results in prevention of proper growth due to lack of nutrition and basic requirements of the body. This is irreversible after age 2, and therefore, it is imperative that proper nutrition reaches the kids, before stunting becomes a permanent setback for them.

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