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March 29, 2025

Raddiconnect To Swachh Sustainable Solutions

“Raddiconnect. That’s what we are called”, said Rahul Nainani, the co-founder of Raddiconnect. “But the name does not justify our work considering what we have evolved our business into.”

Raddiconnect with its parent brand Swachh Sustainable Solutions are in the waste management industry, providing decentralized and centralized, dry and wet waste solutions, to their customers.

Nainani along with Gurashish Sahni launched Raddiconnect in august 2015.

“The entire waste management industry works completely unorganized in our country.” Nainani said. “But it still does a decent enough job.”

Every household keeps their newspapers and magazines for recycling. On an average 100-150 rupees is generated every month by selling it. The amount is not substantial individually. However, cumulatively it can be used for a greater cause.

Raddiconnect built a platform for their customers to have their recyclable waste picked up for free at their designated time, and donate the amount that would traditionally go to the customers, to an NGO of their choice. They also enabled similar service for large corporate institutions, where they can receive tax exemption for the donation they made by selling off their scrap.

“Recycling rate for paper waste in India is 27%.” Nainani said.

Raddiconnect conducted drives in offices and schools to raise awareness about their waste, make them conscious about it, and recover a percentage of that 73% paper waste, for recycling.

“The mentality of people in our country with regards to waste is ‘Out of sight, out of mind’,” Nainani said. “This needs to be changed.”

The Deonar landfills in Mumbai are saturated. The living situation for the people around the dumping ground is such, that the average life expectancy in the area is 37 years of age. Therefore, BMC has now started taking aggressive steps to manage the waste.

According to the new Solid Waste Management Rules of 2016 released by the government, it is mandatory for the waste generators to segregate their waste into three streams, namely bio-degradable, non bio-degradable and domestic hazardous waste. It is also mentioned that the waste generators will have to manage their wet waste or bio-degradable waste by themselves. They have categorized each waste generator into a bulk waste generator and non-bulk waste generator. Bulk waste generator is somebody that generates more than 100 kg of wet waste on a daily basis.

Raddiconnect, with its parent brand Swachh Sustainable Solutions, is now also providing holistic solutions for wet waste management system to its customers by setting up onsite composting and bio-gas plans for them. They understand that every customer has a different requirement and therefore provide customized solutions based on the requirement of the client, working right from manual compost tumblers to fully automated composting solutions.

Waste management is last priority in our country. There are so many problems and struggle that everyone goes through, no one is going to care about what is happening to their waste.

“We are working on project to create a circular economy for waste, where the waste producers are responsible for their own waste.” Nainani said.

Large amount of untreated waste consists of plastic packaging waste. Generally the producers of this waste are large corporate organizations. Swachh Sustainable Solutions is working on a business model that makes these organizations responsible for the waste they generate.

“If people are incentivized by these organizations to recycle their plastic waste, it would be a win-win situation for everyone. The organizations can build goodwill and loyal customers, and none of the waste will go to landfills” Nainani Said.

It is not fair to put the entire responsibility on government to manage our waste. Every individual has to be responsible for the waste that they generate.

One of the main challenges for Raddiconnect apart from the attitude of individuals towards waste management is, awareness regarding waste segregation. Therefore, they have made available a segregation chart, to download for free.

Please download the segregation chart below and be more responsible for your waste.
Segregation Chart

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