Proving Their Metal: IMFA Award for Saura tribesman
Shaifalika Panda, Trustee & CEO, BIPF, underlining the purpose of the award, says, “Behind the success of critical development issues, is the commitment and hard work of many who go unnoticed. It is pertinent to recognize such contributions and boost the morale of those who work relentlessly towards the upliftment of their communities.”
While the award is a symbol of the company’s intentions, Corporate Social Responsibility for IMFA goes beyond symbolism. Multi-pronged social upliftment programs are already at different stages of development in all five districts of Odisha, where the company has manufacturing units and power plants. Efforts include setting up of Industrial Training Centers to impart vocation training, and an initiative called Janani Express to reduce infant mortality rate, among other water and sanitation programmes.
Clearly, at a time when battle between industry and local communities gets more complex than ever before, IMFA has set an example of mining with a mandate.