Girls get it done. And no other brand depicts this better than NIKE. This sports brand, which has epitomised cool for decades, is making sports and fitness all the more inclusive, especially for girls and women across the board. A look at the NIKE Global Impact and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives of late drive home this commitment not only towards inclusive sports but also to a circular economy, minimising waste and environmental impact, driving renewable energy and experimenting with sustainability in every aspect of manufacturing.
The commitment to transparency, accountability, and impact specially since the year 2015 is reflected by the approach to sharing “priority issues” and reporting on progress toward NIKE’s 2020 targets. The CSR Journal presents excerpts from the brand’s 2019 Impact Report.
NIKE Global Impact and CSR Report
The targets and measures in this report represent the brand’s public commitments and are an aggregated view of the company’s long-term goals to meet stakeholder expectations and align with business priorities. Building on NIKE’s reporting tradition since 2001, the NIKE Global Impact report charts progress against social and environmental targets and priority issues annually.
1. Letter from the CEO
Writes John Donahoe, President and CEO:
“NIKE exists to progress sport. But in recent years, we also face a broader challenge: to help protect sport itself. Today, that’s why we’re thinking even bigger than delivering inspiration and innovation for athletes. To best serve future generations, we’re also bringing the best of NIKE to respond to some of the most pressing challenges of our time. NIKE’s purpose is to unite the world through sport to create a healthy planet, active communities and an equal playing field for all. These are more than aspirations – they are foundational priorities that shape decisions across every aspect of our business.”
“As of this FY19 NIKE, Inc. Impact Report, I have been President and CEO of NIKE for less than two months. Yet the extraordinary impact NIKE can have is already clear to me. This is the power of sport. Like so many across our company, I came to NIKE because I believe in sport. I believe in sport’s capacity to transform lives and communities. And at a time when our society is more fragmented than ever when polarization is wearing down our institutions and climate change is threatening our very survival, I believe in the power of sport to bring us together to change the world for the better.”
“Nowhere does that capacity for impact matter more urgently than with regard to our changing planet. When it comes to the growing climate emergency, the data is crystal clear – and so too are the voices of our athletes. As marathon start times get moved into pre-dawn hours and players and fans suffer from heat exhaustion due to extreme weather conditions, those who work in sport see first-hand the damaging effects of climate change. This crisis is affecting the athletes we serve – not someday, but right now – and in turn compelling us to swiftly evolve our business.”
“If there is no planet, there is no sport. It is this understanding that drives the urgency of our commitment to sustainability and impact. In FY19, we made some incredible progress toward our goals. We invested more than $81 million to drive impact in our communities and got more than 17 million kids active. When we help unleash the power of play and sport for kids, we can change lives. That’s why our priority in our community work is to get kids moving. And because a good coach can make all the difference in a kid’s experience – we’ve helped train nearly 100,000 community coaches through NIKE-supported programming. One particular focus for us is increasing the number of female coaches, as we know they are such powerful catalysts in inspiring more girls to get active.”
“From partnering with community organizations to recruit and train female coaches to launch a training guide with the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee to help all coaches create a girl-inclusive culture, we continue to invest in creating safe spaces where girls can learn, grow and become the leaders we know they can be, in sport and in life.”
“We’ve previously set a target to reach 100% renewable energy in our owned or operated facilities by 2025. We recently achieved 100% renewable energy across North America – an impressive stride toward our global energy goals. We are also working to eliminate footwear manufacturing waste to landfill or incineration. In FY19, 99.9% of footwear manufacturing waste was recycled by contract factories or converted to energy. In addition, we are increasing the use of more sustainable materials across our products, transforming some 1 billion plastic bottles per year into recycled polyester for jerseys as well as other materials for both apparel and footwear.”
“Across our supply chain, we’re also investing in creating a skilled, valued, and engaged workforce. One key, we believe, is enabling contract factory workers to share in productivity gains. This year, we scaled our supplier Engagement and Wellbeing Survey, which provides a holistic, comprehensive view of the worker experience and captures an actionable data set for our suppliers. In FY19, we increased participation in the survey to 45 facilities, nearly doubling the reach to 270,000 people in their combined workforce.”
“We also continue to think critically about the change we want to drive inside NIKE. In FY19, we maintained the global pay equity ratio for men to women, and white to underrepresented groups in the U.S., that we achieved last year. Over the past year, we increased VP-level representation for women by 3 percentage points (p.p.) to 39% globally and for U.S. underrepresented groups by 2 p.p. to 21%. While this is good progress, we know there is more work to do. We will continue to increase representation and strengthen our culture of belonging.”
“And we will continue to strive to bring sport to kids and communities everywhere by scaling more sustainable solutions that teams across NIKE are tirelessly developing every day. We will continue to innovate for all athletes everywhere to help ensure an equal playing field for all and to challenge existing systems while we drive toward a more circular future.”
“To me, the same qualities that have made NIKE the world’s leader in sport – our boldness, our creativity, our ambition – are the same qualities that position us for wider impact in the face of today’s global challenges. This is why I’m so hopeful. Already, I can see the meaningful difference that our teams are making in the world – for our people and our planet. The stakes couldn’t be any higher. And yet, the opportunities couldn’t be any greater.”
“Like so much else at NIKE, it’s not enough to be in the game. At NIKE, we lead. And as we challenge ourselves to always do better and think bigger, we can and will create the future we want to see.”
2. Corporate Governance
NIKE’s corporate governance reflects the company’s commitment to monitor the effectiveness of policy and decision making both at the Board of Directors and senior management level. In this context, NIKE approaches governance with a view to enhancing long-term shareholder value and corporate Purpose, including corporate responsibility, human rights, sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and global community and social impact.
2.1. CRS&G Team
The Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability and Governance (CRS&G) Committee of the Board of Directors sets the tone and pace for sustainability within NIKE’s business strategy. The Committee is responsible for reviewing significant strategies, activities, and policies regarding sustainability, contract manufacturer labour practices, community impact, and charitable activities, among other duties.
2.2. Purpose Committee
The Purpose Committee directs and oversees the end-to-end integration of NIKE’s work in diversity and inclusion, community, labour, and environmental impact. It challenges the business to better understand social and sustainability impacts, to set ambitious targets for improvement, and overcome obstacles in achieving progress, and helps to shape the Group’s evolving approach to transparency. The Purpose Committee meets regularly to review these targets, performance, and disclosures.
2.2.1. This Committee includes:
1) EVP, Chief Financial Officer – Andy Campion
2) Chief Marketing Officer – Dirk-Jan van Hameren
3) President of Consumer and Marketplace – Elliott Hill
4) EVP, Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel – Hilary Krane
5) EVP, Global Human Resources – Monique Matheson
6) VP/GM of Global Categories – Amy Montagne
7) President of Nike Direct – Heidi O’Neill
8) EVP, Chief Communications Officer – Nigel Powell
9) President of Categories and Product – Michael Spillane
10) Chief Operating Officer – Eric Sprunk
11) President of Jordan Brand – Craig Williams
3. NIKE Global Impact on Communities
NIKE has a deep-rooted legacy as committed partners in the communities where employees live and work. The corporation plays to its strengths and prioritizes bringing play and sport to communities around the world. And that’s a more pressing need today than ever before because the world is moving less and today’s kids are among the least active ever.
3.1. CSR spend
They consistently meet the target of investing 1.5% of NIKE’s pre-tax income (PTI) to drive positive impact in communities, and FY19 was no exception. The brand surpassed the target again, investing $81.9 million to drive impact in communities around the world. This represents 1.9% of PTI, based on the prior year.
From FY15 to FY19, NIKE Global Impact report shows that it invested $417 million in communities, of which $130 million helped promote equality and level playing fields for all, says the NIKE Global Impact. While the target measures money invested, the corporation is prouder of the millions of people positively affected in FY19: getting kids moving, training coaches, and bringing people together to experience the power of play and sport through the global “Made to Play” commitment.
3.2. Impact on Play and Sport
NIKE is focused on getting and keeping more kids active by removing barriers to play and sport, particularly for girls, training more youth coaches, and supporting environments that promote physical activity like active schools. In FY19, 17 million kids got active with the help of NIKE and its more than 90 community partners around the world. Together with their partners, they have also reached nearly 100,000 community coaches who help kids enjoy play and sport, says NIKE Global Impact report.
4. Unlocking Sport and Play for Girls
Globally, girls tend to be less active than boys. Research by the Women’s Sports Foundation shows that only one in three girls between the ages of 6 and 12 participates in sport on a regular basis; 40% of teen girls don’t participate in sports, and boys get 1.13 million more sport opportunities than girls every year.
Why? Researchers point to a “complex confluence of cultural, social, and economic factors, including, but not limited to, physical and perceived barriers to accessing sport, and a lack of supportive coaches”. Active girls are more confident, do better in school, and are better at setting goals – and these benefits continue into their adult lives. That’s why removing barriers is a primary focus of NIKE’s Made to Play commitment.
The Made to Play CSR programme partners with local, national, and global organizations around the world, working to grow girls’ access to sport and remove the barriers currently preventing them from play and obstructing the path to their potential. The brand also supports girls with products so they can play with confidence. Made to Play uses gender-inclusive training models and enhanced curriculum that are made widely available.
A few examples of Sports CSR initiatives in FY19 include:
– Donated 25,000 sports bras to girls through more than 50 community programmes around the world.
– In China, NIKE launched Boundless Girls, dedicated to unlocking barriers to sport participation and reimagining sport for girls – on their terms. The programme covers 10 schools in Beijing and Shanghai where a specially designed curriculum combines gender-competent training, expert talk, and products delivered throughout the academic year.
– In Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), NIKE launched a Made to Play fund with Gurls Talk and Women Win. The fund supports women changing the lives of girls in their communities. It gives 17 young women from South Africa to London the training they need to become even better leaders, funding to support their individual efforts to get girls under the age of 14 active in their communities, and mentor training.
– Together with Girls, Inc., the company produced an enhanced physical literacy curriculum called Steppingstones for the organization’s affiliates across the U.S. and Canada. The CSR programme helps girls, ages 8–10, develop movement skills based on a diverse array of sports and activities.
– By collaborating with PLAY International, the company is reaching out to 3,000 kids in 20 primary schools in Paris through Playdagogy, according to the 2019 NIKE Global Impact report. Playdagogy uses games to discuss ideas about gender-based representations with kids. Sessions help change views on representation and even, over time, behaviour, making girls more confident and boys more inclusive while playing.
– With NIKE and the Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis, the Memphis Grizzlies hosted the third annual Girls Summit for 450 girls from 16 middle schools. The event included hands-on demos and panels, as well as free sports bra fittings, removing one of the barriers girls face to staying active.
– In Tokyo, they support JUMP-JAM, an innovative programme that merges sport and free play to give physical activity and social skills to elementary school children at 72 Children’s Centre locations. At 35 of those Children’s Centres, NIKE trained staff to facilitate play that encourages girls’ participation, reaching 2,450 kids.
4.1. Girl Effect
The NIKE Foundation has invested more than $200 million in programmes and research supporting adolescent girls through Girl Effect since 2004. Girl Effect was first launched with other organizations as a movement based on the premise that the most effective way to break the cycle of global poverty is to improve the lives of adolescent girls, and in 2015 evolved into an independent global nonprofit organization by the same name.
Using a deep understanding of girls’ needs and expertise in behaviour change science, Girl Effect works to inspire and equip girls to navigate adolescence and make choices about their health, education, and economic future. The NIKE Foundation’s commitment continues – in partnership with NIKE, the two organizations contributed over $12 million to Girl Effect in FY19.
5. Sports Coaching
When it comes to helping kids fall in love with play and sport, a great coach can make all the difference. But there is a serious shortage of trained youth coaches across the globe. Today’s kids need more role models who look like them – similar gender, identities, and backgrounds – to help motivate and inspire them to reach their full potential, on and off the court.
Research shows that girls benefit from female coaches. Yet, less than a quarter of youth coaches in the U.S. are female. That’s why the brand is growing the number of female coaches and improving coaching for girls. For example, in FY19, NIKE partnered with the Women’s Sports Foundation to develop a first-of-its-kind report – Coaching Through a Gender Lens: Maximizing Girls’ Play and Potential – to examine the intersection of girls’ sports development needs with their current-day experiences. This research, which focused on sport-playing girls from ages 7–13, revealed that when girls like their coaches, they are more likely to see the importance of being active, love their sport, and keep playing as they get older.
The foundation applied these findings immediately, integrating them into training for more than 400 prospective female coaches at the NIKE Legacy Summit in Los Angeles. The event kicked off with Women Coach LA, an initiative between NIKE and the City of Los Angeles to increase the number of women coaching.
5.1. How to Coach Kids project
In the U.S., less than one-third of youth coaches are trained, limiting the ability to effectively engage, develop, and retain children in play and sport. In FY19, NIKE and the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee launched How to Coach Kids, as part of the commitment to the Aspen Institute’s Project Play 2020. It’s a free 30-minute training course on coaching kids ages 12 and under. The course supports Project Play’s multi-year effort to increase the quality and quantity of volunteer youth coaches in the U.S. and keep kids engaged in play while promoting active, safe, and healthy lifestyles.
5.2. Active Schools, Active Kids
The Group supports Active Schools initiatives around the world to champion heroes in physical education and help inspire school communities from London to Shanghai to get even more kids moving.
NIKE and Discovery Education collaborated to help more than 64,000 teachers and reach nearly 900,000 kids in the U.K. since 2017 through the Active Kids Do Better initiative. This initiative supports schools and parents in their efforts to get kids moving by delivering open-source resources, tools, and activities for use during the school day and at home.
In FY19, NIKE and ukactive Kids, a leading nonprofit, launched the first-ever Active School Hero Award to celebrate and support inspirational primary school staff working hard to improve activity levels in schools across London’s 33 boroughs. In addition to this recognition, the winner receives professional development training from NIKE and local community organization Youth Sport Trust. The teacher’s school also receives a visit from NIKE athletes to further inspire the students to be active.
In China, NIKE and the Ministry of Education (MOE) hosted the country’s second national Active Schools Innovation Awards ceremony. The ceremony recognized 100, out of more than 2,600 nominations, of the country’s most creative and inspiring teachers who are transforming the culture of sport and physical activity in their schools. The Active Schools programme is part of a long-term strategic relationship between the company and the Chinese MOE, which began in 2013. In the last three years, NIKE has helped train more than 7,000 teachers to deliver sports lessons during the school day and has provided physical education resources to 7,100 schools, making a positive impact on 2 million kids.
We know that physically active kids can improve whole school environments; studies show higher levels of progress and achievement, improved attendance, happier kids, and more satisfied school communities. Since 2013, NIKE has partnered with Active Schools initiatives around the world. Active Schools call for at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, deliver high-quality physical education, and create a culture of physical activity for all.
5.3. Sports coaching initiatives globally
Throughout FY19, NIKE expanded its relationships and programming investments to train coaches and get kids moving in several cities.
– Los Angeles and New York City: NIKE, together with Children’s Aid and NBA legend Kobe Bryant, brought Mamba League to New York City, with more than 250 kids in the inaugural season. Mamba League is an eight-week youth basketball league in Los Angeles – and now New York City – that helps kids ages 8–10 learn basketball fundamentals, develop self-confidence, and practice teamwork. In an effort to level the playing field, the programme also strives for coaches and players to be 50% women and girls, respectively, with coaches from the community trained in both basketball fundamentals and social-emotional development skills.
– Mexico City: In Mexico City, with Yo Quiero Yo Puedo, Nemi Foundation, and Proed, they trained 60 physical education teachers from 31 schools, reaching over 9,000 kids through the Juega Más (“Play More”) Active Schools programme. And as part of the commitment made through the brand campaign, Juntas Imparables (“Together Unstoppable”), NIKE has trained coaches from the Nemi Foundation to deliver play sessions at 80 schools and 13 community organizations, impacting 45,000 girls and boys.
– Sourcing backyards: In the sourcing communities, they work with educators, community leaders, and employees to respond to local needs while helping to get kids moving. In FY19, partnerships like Unlock School Gates and Active with Sport in Guangzhou, China and Vietnam, respectively, reached more than 37,000 primary school kids across 20 schools.
6. Learning and Culture
Jordan Brand’s Wings Initiative is rooted in the core belief that the influence of basketball culture extends beyond the court and that education and mentorship both on and off the court help connect youth to opportunity. Through Wings, the Jordan Brand creates and supports innovative solutions for underrepresented communities.
The Wings initiative’s global impact expanded to new cities in FY19, serving youth ages 11–21 in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Portland, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Charlotte, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and nine other provinces across Greater China.
Together with the United Negro College Fund and other organizations, the Jordan Scholars Programme awarded college scholarships to 27 high school seniors in North America. In Greater China, 350 eighth-graders received high school scholarships.
In 2019, 100% of Wings Scholars participated in college counseling or a one-on-one mentorship programme with NIKE employees.
Jordan Designers Programme expanded to three new cities – Los Angeles, New York City, and Charlotte – reaching nearly 100 student designers. Hundreds of hours of creativity and design came to life through the mentorship of Jordan’s own design and marketing teams and trusted partners. Six designs created by student groups were placed on T-shirts and sold in the local communities that inspired the design. Students planned the launch of their products and helped craft the marketing plan and retail environment of their tees.
7. Industry Partnerships
Many issues addressed with suppliers are complex and beyond the ability of an individual company or supplier to solve. NIKE believes in collaboration with a wide range of other companies, organizations, and stakeholders. Together, they develop better systems and practices to address systemic problems, improve working conditions, and promote respect for the rights of workers.
Since FY17, NIKE Global Impact report shows how the company has worked with two technology providers, MicroBenefits and Workplace Options, to support contract manufacturers in improving communication, enhancing worker knowledge and experience, and enabling ease of access to HR tools and policies. To date, 15 supplier facilities have adopted one of these two platforms, while three others have developed and deployed their own digital solutions.
In FY19, NIKE joined the Responsible Labor Initiative (RLI), an organization within the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), and the Leadership Group for Responsible Recruitment (LGRR), an initiative of the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB). Through these memberships, NIKE will build more partnerships with leading companies across sectors to address risks of forced labour, especially those related to the recruitment and employment of migrant workers.
The company also launched Verité’s CUMULUS Forced Labor Screen, a new due diligence tool to help identify risks related to the recruitment of foreign migrant workers by suppliers. This tool will help the company map labour in their supply chain and more proactively identify, prioritize, and address forced labour risks. In FY20, they will continue to evaluate expansion to other high-risk countries according to the NIKE Global Impact Report.
The company continues to work with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) on a trade finance programme that incentivizes supplier performance by offering lower trade finance terms for facilities rated Bronze or better. At the end of FY19, 31 factories in 11 countries were participating, which disbursed more than $437 million in FY19.
8. Reducing Environmental Footprint
Through their issue prioritization process, NIKE identified a set of priority issues in FY19, which determined the focal topics for this Impact Report. For FY19 priority issues not specifically covered by a 2020 target, they have provided additional space in this report to describe challenges faced and progress underway. Circular Systems Design falls into this category.
Circularity in design is a powerful concept with many potential applications. At its core, it means creating systems that make the most of materials by using and reusing them at their highest potential. In aspiration, Circular Systems Design points toward an enterprise that generates little or no “waste.”
The traditional linear system of production based on a take, make, waste model puts pressure on the world’s natural resources. The NIKE Global Impact report envisions a circular future that is regenerative and restorative by design. To transition to a more circular economy, we’ll need new business models and collaboration across the value chain. Right now, the company is pioneering the circular economy by transforming waste into value streams.
8.1. NIKE Grind
The NIKE Grind programme collects excess materials with recoverable value from the product supply chain. The programme recycles and repurposes these materials into innovative products designed with athletes in mind. End-of-life shoes and manufacturing scrap – including rubber, foam, leather, and textile blends – become new material feedstock for use in products by NIKE and other industries.
The programme has recycled over 120 million pounds of footwear factory material, equivalent to the weight of approximately 700 jumbo jets, and transformed 30 million pairs of athletic shoes – material that would otherwise have been considered “waste” – into running tracks, basketball courts, playgrounds, and other surfaces.

In FY19, the programme celebrated 25 years of impact with a public exhibit at NIKE’s WHQ, showcasing the project’s contributions to advancing a zero-waste future. As a part of this celebration, the Nike Grind Makers Summit welcomed more than 100 brand designers and cross-industry R&D leaders to a collaborative discussion of sustainable design and material innovation.
Nike Grind showcases NIKE’s larger role in catalyzing recycling by connecting the dots between excess materials and circular economy markets. In FY19, NIKE, its contract factories, and NIKE Grind customer companies facilitated the recovery of approximately 87 million pounds of post-industrial footwear scrap materials from the production of products and transformed those into new products, including playgrounds, athletic surfaces, floor and carpet underlayments, and more. In addition, over 17 million pounds of post-industrial “waste” materials were recycled right back into NIKE footwear, avoiding disposal and the need to source virgin materials.
In addition, over a 1.28 million pounds of textiles were given new life in NIKE and Converse fleece and tee apparel in FY19, and Nike Grind thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) was repurposed in over 500 apparel trim items, including zipper pulls, cord lock, buttons, grommets, says the FY19 NIKE Global Impact report.
The programme engages externally to fuel the circular economy outside of NIKE. Among many others, Mondo Sports, the track manufacturer that has supplied every Olympic track since 1976, uses Nike Grind rubber to manufacture premium tracks. Amorim, the world’s largest cork products manufacturer, turns Nike Grind midsole foam waste into flooring. Yogo, the winner in NIKE’s Circular Design with Grind Challenge, creates yoga mats and blocks using Nike Grind materials.
They also work to close the loop by recycling consumers’ shoes and NIKE’s samples and defective shoes. In FY19, more than 121 thousand pounds of shoes were recycled into Nike Grind purchasers’ products. In FY19, they repurposed sneakers into Nike Grind to help build a new playground facility for the 3rd Primary School of Hongqiling County, in China’s northeast Jilin province. Through this programme, underprivileged kids in remote areas of China were better able to access play and sports.
Post-consumer material recycled by the Nike Grind programme decreased in FY19 due to U.S. grinding operations transferring to a new facility and EU grinding operations undergoing renovation.
8.2. Reuse-A-Shoe
The Reuse-A-Shoe is a sneaker recycling programme that collects end-of-life footwear from consumers and transforms them. Reuse-A-Shoe makes it easy for consumers to recycle their worn-out sneakers. Since launching Reuse-A-Shoe and Nike Grind, more than 30 million pairs of shoes have been recycled. This is enough material to circumnavigate the planet more than five times.
8.3. Global Fashion Agenda
The sportswear is part of Global Fashion Agenda’s (GFA) strategic partner group, working to mobilize the global fashion system and support industry leaders in changing the way they produce, market and consume fashion. As a strategic partner, the company provides leadership to support GFA’s mission, helping to shape their agenda and develop thought leadership, as stated in the NIKE Global Impact report. The company has set specific targets for two areas including implementing design strategies for cyclability and increasing the volume of used garments and footwear collected.
In FY19, NIKE signed GFA’s 2020 Circular Fashion System Commitment to accelerate the transition to a circular economy by committing to action toward implementing design strategies for cyclability, increasing the volume of used garments and footwear collected.
8.4. Innovating towards a circular world
NIKE published Circularity: Guiding the Future of Design, in collaboration with the students and staff of Central Saint Martins – University of the Arts London and with inspiration from Global Fashion Agenda. This open-sourced guide encompasses up-front product design innovation, best practices for reimagined waste as a source of value, and innovative ways to reclaim materials throughout the manufacturing process and at the end of a product’s life cycle.
The Circular Design Guide provides 10 key circularity principles, including material choices, cyclability, waste avoidance, disassembly, green chemistry, refurbishment, versatility, durability, circular packaging, and new models. By focusing on progress over perfection and by showing designers how they can make better choices, they are embracing the chance to reconsider their craft and inspire a groundswell of change where all products are designed with better materials, made with fewer resources, and assembled to allow for easy reuse.
8.5. Converse One Box
The Converse “One Box” is an employee-led initiative to reduce waste from packaging by shifting from using two boxes to package one product to one specially designed box. The One Box project came to market on May 9, 2019, for Converse by You in the U.S. and Western Europe with 26,200 units. By FY20, Converse had shipped 128.7 thousand units using One Box, saving about 40 cents per unit compared to prior packaging methods and decreasing cardboard use by 25%.
In conclusion
NIKE, Inc.’s purpose is to unite the world through sport to help create a healthy planet, active communities and an equal playing field for all. They do that by building creative and diverse global teams, making a positive impact in the communities where they live and work, and by making products responsibly and more sustainably.
The NIKE Global Impact report reiterates set goals and progress on them. The corporate citizenship team has plans in place to achieve these goals, knowing progress depends on end-to-end execution. Progress will not be linear. There will be setbacks and failures. However, these goals are integral to this sports giant’s Purpose. The company treats Purpose with a near-sacredness hard to find in other corporations.
Disclaimer: This report contains excerpts from the FY19 NIKE, Inc. Impact Report. The information in this report and NIKE, Inc.’s corporate responsibility/ sustainability reporting and website, inclusive of charts, graphs, and discussion, and all other information presented, may contain forward-looking statements, estimates, or projections based on expectations as of the original date of those materials. Those statements, estimates, and projections are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. Most content is the property of NIKE, Inc.