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March 29, 2025

Made in India innovation recycles sewage into clean drinking water

Here’s a solution developed right here in India, capable of offering clean drinking water, practically free of cost. A small firm in Tamil Nadu is providing crystal clear water to cities abroad using traditional knowledge about herbs. The man behind the revolutionary innovation is a former journalist.
KP Sunil “couldn’t clean the scum of politics,” so he left journalism to pursue a mission critical to Tamil Nadu and all States starved of potable water. He wanted to remove the dirt from water. The herbal products developed and manufactured by his institution Ecohealth can convert any sewage water into potable water without much expense. You can purify sewage water to drinking grade at less than three paisa per litre.
Watch how it’s done, in the video below:

The conversion of sewage into drinking grade water does not require power or costly equipment. Ecoclean 2300, the solution to purify sewage water is made of herbal products. The compound contains extracts of Moringa (Drum Sticks) and neem, and zero toxic or chemical materials.
One 40 ml bottle of the liquid can purify 1,000 litres of sewage. When we add the Ecoclean drops to the sewage, the solid waste gets settled automatically by a process known as flocculation. The neem and another herbal plant — Strychnos Potatorum — present in the solution purify the water from all kinds of bacteria and make it fit for consumption.

The road to clean drinking water

Traditional knowledge gathered by an amateur researcher S Moorthy of Erode district in Tamil Nadu formed the cornerstone of the water purification project. “Village ponds in my district never got polluted or infected with bacteria. My studies showed that the seeds of the thethankottai plants on the banks of the ponds ensured the purity of water. These seeds have the capability to absorb any kind of hazardous bacteria,” Murthy told a newspaper.
With natural fresh water reserves depleting, scientific innovations like these could ensure that cities don’t run out of clean drinking water in the near future.


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