Home Other News KPMG’s GRI certified training course

KPMG’s GRI certified training course

KPMG has announced “KPMG’s GRI G4 Certified Training Course” that will help participants to understand and coordinate the GRI Sustainability reporting process as well as link it to the Indian National Voluntary Guidelines for Business Responsibility Reports. The training course has been designed on global methodologies adapted to Indian needs.

Each attendee would be given a Certificate of Participation from GRI Amsterdam and certified training material developed by KPMG and GRI.

Program Schedule for GRI G4 Certified Training Course:

1. Mumbai: 17 – 18 November 2014
2. Delhi: 16 – 17 December 2014

For more information about the trainings kindly visit


Contact Person : Rahul Arora – Senior Consultant, (E: [email protected], M: +91-7498040950)

– Press Release received from KPMG