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Education And Parenting Go Hand In Hand

Studying the globe

Neurological research shows that the education and parenting received during early childhood plays an important role in children’s brain development. It is during this stage when they learn to learn and form thinking patterns. Hence, it is extremely important for parents and teachers to work as a team for efficient upbringing of a child.

Parenting and Education go hand in hand. Let us compare the education and upbringing of two children, Rahul and Pooja.

Rahul studied in Central Board School. He always ranked first in class. His mother had enrolled him to best coaching classes and would always take care of his schedule. During his exams, his mother would also help in the preparation by testing his knowledge orally. Rahul can name all the states and their capitals in India as per his geography syllabus. However, when his exams are over, he tends to not remember all of them. Also, if he is asked to mark the capitals on the map without naming the state, he fumbles.

Rahul has encountered a disconnect between his textbook knowledge and its applications. This has led him to forget a part of that information, and not knowing how to use the information that he remembered. Hence, if the questions asked to him are not exactly the way they are asked in his textbook, he can’t answer them.

Pooja studied in a State Board School. She was an average student academically. She went to several coaching institutes but discontinued in a few months time. Her teachers informed her parents that she was totally not interested in studies whatsoever.

Pooja loved stories and games. Her parents started involving educational games in her play routine. They decorated a wall in her room with a huge map. They asked her to accessorize it by sticking the pictures of their vacation trips at the point on the map that represented the place they visited. They also started playing a game where they ask her to find a city in the world map. Apart from this, they started showing her various shows and videos in order to form stories around all the information she needs to learn as part of her school syllabus.

The result is, today Pooja who is in third class knows names and capitals to almost all the countries in the world. She gets delighted when she looks at a map. And the knowledge she gained there is permanent.

It would make difference if parents start considering education as part of their upbringing instead of leaving it all to schools. They need to involve the children in conversations that allow them to apply the knowledge they gain in everyday lives. It is time we realize that Success is beyond getting good grades.

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