Home Press Release CSR News: Mankind Pharma donates Rs. 5 crores to families of deceased...

CSR News: Mankind Pharma donates Rs. 5 crores to families of deceased Corona warrior cops

During the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak the country’s police force is on the frontlines battling the pandemic. Many dedicated policemen have lost their lives in the process.
As its corporate social responsibility (CSR), Mankind Pharma is standing alongside the families of these heroes and will donate Rs 5 crores to support them. The company will donate Rs 3 lakh to each family of such warriors.
Mankind Pharma has been involved in the country’s fight against the pandemic in several ways. The company has produced affordable medicines, donated ventilators, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and medicines to the states.
The dedicated efforts of the police force in containing the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic has been garnering respect from all quarters of society. Mankind Pharma believes that it is their duty, as a citizen and a part of the country, to appreciate the selfless sacrifice of our brave police officers.
Mankind Pharma has always aspired to be recognized as a top brand both in revenue and serving mankind/ people through its CSR activities. During the initial stage of the pandemic in the country, the company donated Rs. 51 crores to the CM Care Fund. The employees too joined the effort by contributing one day’s salary to the relief fund.
Rajeev Juneja, CEO Mankind Pharma, said, “Our police warriors have shown great bravery in fighting the unprecedented crisis without caring about their life. Being the first line of defence for us after the health workers during COVID, they are getting highly exposed to this deadly disease. Many have lost their lives fighting the pandemic and protecting us. Their invaluable service to the nation and humanity will not be forgotten. We have started a small fund of Rs 5 crore to support and care for the families of these lost warriors. We hope with our little help, the families of these police warriors, can have some support for the future.”
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