Home CATEGORIES Environment CSR: Areas to Focus on to Combat Global Warming

CSR: Areas to Focus on to Combat Global Warming

Emissions - Global Warming

Climate change is a rising concern for all the people across the globe. This has called upon bolder climate actions by governments, businesses and investors. In fact, people have become conscious of the choice of the products they use based on their sustainability in its production and post usage phase.

While the current pace and scale of action are not enough to achieve sustainability, it is surely a way forward to reconsider the way we produce consume and invest in things. Following are some areas to focus on for a sustainable future:

Agriculture and food

According to the UN Environment’s Emissions Gap Report 2018, food systems from production to consumption have the potential to mitigate up to 6.7 gigatons of CO2 equivalent.

A global food transformation in which the waste is minimised and the diets, as well as healths, are improved needs to be established in the coming decade. Along with this, malnutrition and global hunger need to be addressed.

Buildings and cities

Buildings and construction account for 39 per cent of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. In fact, they are responsible for some 70 per cent of energy use. The amounts of urban infrastructure going to be built are going to increase at a tremendous pace in the coming years. In order to make these constructions sustainable, innovative solutions need to be adopted n order to improve the building standards.


A sound education for all should be provided. Most importantly, more women and girls should be equipped with an education. Apart from that, education and access to family planning should be provided to all in order to control the overpopulation crisis.


More investment in renewable energy is required. There is a need to redirect fossil fuel subsidies to incentivize large-scale investment and job creation in renewable energy.


Transport is responsible for about 25% of all energy-related CO2 emissions and set to increase to one-third by 2050, growing faster than any other sector. In order to cut down emissions in this sector, we need to put in place vehicle efficiency standards, incentives for zero-emission transportation and invest in non-motorized mobility. For example, the Indian government is prioritizing policies that are helping to shift freight transport from road to rail.

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