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CSR: Tech disruption reinventing the toilet
To help save millions of people from early death and disease, forward-thinking companies could soon be turning a low-tech problem into the next tech-powered disruption—an approach that makes it possible for businesses to do well while doing good. This potential double win exists thanks to a piece of technology that rarely comes to mind...
Why India Needs CSR
India is a fastest growing economy. However, it has several poverty issues too which act as chronic diseases against development and progress. Hunger, malnutrition, unemployment, unemployability, illiteracy, casteism, etc. are only some of them.
The government is working tirelessly towards these causes. However, poor accountability, corruption and favouritism act has hindrances. Lack of inadequate methods...
Greenwashing In Ecotourism is a Fool’s Game
Greenwashing looms ominously over travel and tourism. Defined as “disinformation that is disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image,” it has become a recognisable term.
The rise in awareness around green issues such as global warming, declining biodiversity and overpopulation has led to more and more businesses keen to...
Amplifying the Impact of Giving
While contributing funds is no doubt a critical aspect of philanthropy, it is certainly not the only one. Increasing the quantum of funds will only go so far in enhancing impact. Most givers are restricted in the amount of capital. A valuable step for philanthropists looking to heighten the effectiveness of their giving is...
CSR: BMC Executes 10% Water Cut In Mumbai
In April 2018, Cape Town’s Day Zero took centre stage. Day Zero is when the city would run out of water and the government would have no option but turn off the supplies. Cape Town is one of the most developed cities in the world and they are facing the possibility of a day...
CSR: Urban India’s Problems
According to the census 2011, around 31% of India’s population lives in urban areas. That is close to 400 million people.
The Census defines ‘urban’ as an area that satisfies the following three conditions
at least 5,000 inhabitants
density of more than 400 people per sq. km
at least 75% of male working population engaged...
CSR: Youth In The Footsteps of Gandhi
The need in India today is for young people with fresh ideas who could try and transform themselves to cause disproportionate change in the system and stand by it. It was out of this context that in 2008, Gandhi Fellowship emerged as a platform for youth to connect to the grassroots, understand the issues...
Gender-Inclusive Companies Are More Socially Responsible
Companies and society win when business leaders are gender-inclusive. Researchers from Harvard Business School examined how corporate leadership and organizational structure influence CSR by utilizing the most visible form: corporate philanthropy.
Focusing specifically on how women leaders might impact CSR, researchers from Harvard Business School and Catalyst conducted follow-up analysis. Compared to companies without women executive...
CSR And HR Are Mutually Beneficial To Each other
CSR and HR are mutually beneficial to each other in an organisation. Given their mutual focus on the human element of an organisation, these two departments have always supported and strengthened each other.
CSR function was handled by the HR department in majority of Indian companies before the mandate. After the mandate though, the two...
CSR: The Happiness of Indian Mothers
The mental health of an individual is of utmost importance. It is very important for mothers to stay healthy and happy in order to raise offspring that is healthy, mentally and physically.
Society puts demands on a mother to rejoice in each and every aspect of motherhood. However, with the social status and material realities...
10 Steps To Reverse Autoimmune Diseases
Yesterday, we explained how the body attacks its own tissues under the influence of autoimmune disorders. Today's article lays out steps to reverse the inflammation.
Except for treating infections with antibiotics, medicine today approaches most diseases by prescribing a pill to suppress, cover over, block, or otherwise interfere with the body’s biology. We generally do...
CSR: The Pros And Cons Of Zoos
Humans have always been fascinated with wildlife. There is a whole sector in the tourism industry designed to facilitate human beings to observe wild animals from close quarters. Zoos offer patrons the experience of exotic animal gazing and entertainment for a small fee.
The functioning of zoos has faced a lot of controversy over the...