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March 12, 2025


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Renewable Energy: A Potent Tool For Women Empowerment In Rural India

By Vaishali Nigam Sinha While otherwise enjoying a phase of robust economic growth, India, unfortunately continues to be plagued by energy poverty. This is more...

Great Powers in Afghanistan, Between Cooperation and Competition

By Abdul Bari Nijrabi and Max Bone On April 25, representatives of the United States, Russia, and China convened at the first trilateral meeting on...

The politics and control of seeds by corporations

‘Development' in agriculture by the mechanization of agrarian systems did not only make agriculture dependent on machines but, with time and technological development, has...

Why a Company’s Ethics Matter

Corporate ethics are key to satisfying a company’s stakeholders. Both consumers and employees place increasing emphasis on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and expect businesses to...

Measuring outcomes of CSR programmes

While business outcomes are easily measurable through the calculation of numbers such as sales and profit, return on investment and annual growth, quantifying the...

Goats Empowering Women in India

By Bill Gates Can goats empower women? In one of the poorest areas of India, they already are. This is thanks to a new team of health...

The Resurgence of Indian Origin Sports

Cricket has been the most popular sport in our country for many years, but it is a sport we have inherited from the British....

Sadhguru: Religion and Republic, The Way Forward

Most religions have a constitution of their own, supposedly scripted by the Divine or a messenger of the Divine. As the constitution is of...

The right skills for a new world

Today, knowledge is ubiquitous, constantly changing, growing exponentially… Today, knowledge is free. It’s like air, it’s like water…There’s no competitive advantage today in knowing...

Thailand: An Overview of Southeast Asian Extremism

By Haoyu Huang One of the regions people don’t usually think of related to extremism is Southeast Asia. Yet, extremism is prevalent there, and like...

Climate Change Warning – Green to Red

According to a report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), India is currently the fourth highest emitter of carbon dioxide in...

2019 elections: Happiness and voting behaviour

By George Ward, Massachusetts Institute of Technology For a long time, the main measure of government success has been GDP. Despite movements in the direction of...

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