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March 9, 2025

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Top CSR Projects in Ludhiana

Ludhiana is often dubbed as the Manchester of India for its prominent textile industry. The city famous for its shawls and stoles satisfies the...

महाराष्ट्र – महिलाओं एवं बच्चों के लिए वरदान है वात्सल्य योजना

अगर गर्भवती मां अपने सेहत का ख्याल रखेगी तो उसका होने वाला बच्चा भी स्वस्थ होगा। गर्भावस्था का समय एक मां के जीवन का...

बरसात में अब नहीं डूबेगा दो करोड़ के सीएसआर से बना चक्रपथ

छत्तीसगढ़ के रायगढ़ में बरसात के दिनों में बाढ़ के पानी से चक्रपथ पूरी तरह जलमग्न हो जाता था और ये चक्रपथ रोड आवागमन...

Top 10 companies for CSR in Healthcare in India 2023 

Healthcare is a costly affair in our country in the present day. A couple of days spent at any good private hospital and you...

International Mother Language Day 2024: Embracing Linguistic Diversity Through India’s New Education Policy

Every year, on the 21st of February, the world comes together to celebrate International Mother Language Day, a day designated by UNESCO to promote...

जीबीसी में सीएसआर से सकारात्मक बदलाव के लिए प्रोत्साहित कर रही है यूपी की योगी सरकार

उत्तर प्रदेश में 10 लाख करोड़ की निवेश परियोजनाओं का ग्राउंड ब्रेकिंग समारोह 4.0 (Ground Breaking Ceremony) हो रहा है। प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी (PM...

World Day of Social Justice 2024: Bridging Gaps, Building Alliances

In an era marked by globalization, rapid technological advancements, and unprecedented interconnectedness, the pursuit of social justice has become more urgent than ever. The...

Arunachal Pradesh Foundation Day 2024: Colourful festivals of the state

Popularly known as the land of 'Dawn-lit mountains' Arunachal Pradesh is one of the most beautiful States located in the North-Eastern part of India....

A Comprehensive CSR Report of Maruti Suzuki India Limited

Having a car is not only about the convenience of transportation. It is about having a sense of success and prestige. This is why...

How Leveraging Artificial Intelligence can aid to Enhance Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In today's rapidly evolving corporate landscape, the integration of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become not just a moral imperative but a strategic necessity...

योगी सरकार ने महिलाओं के लिए खोला खजाना, कन्या सुमंगला योजना की बढ़ाई राशि

मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ (UP CM Yogi Adityanath) ने बेटियों से किया अपना वादा पूरा किया है। मुख्यमंत्री कन्या सुमंगला योजना (Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana)...

What are Electoral Bonds which the Supreme Court has struck down?

In a landmark judgement, the Supreme Court on Thursday (15th February) struck down the Central Government’s Electoral Bonds scheme calling it ‘unconstitutional’ and ‘violative...

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