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March 11, 2025

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इस योजना से महाराष्ट्र की महिलाएं पाएंगी हर महीने 1500 रुपये

अगले 3 महीने में महाराष्ट्र में विधानसभा का चुनाव है। चुनाव को देखते हुए महाराष्ट्र सरकार ने जनता के लिए सरकारी खजाना खोल दिया...

Rs 2,000 crore Bioplastic Park coming up in Uttar Pradesh

In an attempt to curb environmental pollution caused by petroleum-based plastics, the Government of Uttar Pradesh led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is setting...

India Taking Steps towards Sustainable Infrastructure Construction, Use Steel Slag in Roads

India has been constructing highways at a phenomenal pace with the the National Highways itself having increased 60 per cent to 1,46,145 km in...

Doctors Day Special – इन परेशानियों को झेलकर बनते है डॉक्टर, ताकि हो सके मरीजों की सेवा

आज डॉक्टर्स डे है (Doctors Day), हर साल 1 जुलाई को डॉक्टर्स डे मनाया जाता है। Healthy Life हर किसी की प्रायोरिटी लिस्ट में...

Vantara: Where Compassion Meets Conservation

From Goshalas to adopting strays, India has a sensitive population that does care for animals. However, in spite of various efforts, today there are...

Top 10 Best Companies to Work For 2024

It is not enough to just employ people, pay them a salary and make them work. An organisation should also ensure that ethical labour...

Plight of Resident Doctors in India: Battling Burnout and Stress, Dealing with Financial Strain

It has been rightly said that Health is Wealth. As long as one is healthy, it is possible to overcome any circumstance and emerge...

सीएसआर में गड़बड़ी, करें शिकायत, राजस्थान सरकार की पहल

करप्शन की जड़े सीएसआर तक पहुंच गयी है। सीएसआर में करप्शन या फिर गड़बड़ी हो तो इसे कैसे जवाबदेही बनाया जाय इसको लेकर राजस्थान...

MSME Day: CSR Initiative to Upskill Marginalised Youth in Emerging Technologies

MSMEs play a major role in economic development of a country. According to PIB, the contribution of MSMEs to India’s GDP in FY 2021-22...

सीएसआर से बस स्टेशनों पर मिलेगा ठंडा पानी, सीएचसी में मिलेगी आधुनिक सुविधाएं

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited के सीएसआर से उत्तर प्रदेश की जनता को सहूलियतें मिलने जा रही है। यात्रियों को आरामदायक यात्रा के साथ ही...

World MSME Day: 5 reasons why we should shop local

It’s very easy to open an app on your phone, tap on any e-commerce app and look for items of your choice! Be it...

Telangana Government Pressures Corporates to Fund Public Projects through CSR

The government of Telangana is looking to access more CSR funds to fulfil its responsibility towards the population of the state. Struggling with financial...

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