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responsible business

Indian government releases guidelines on responsible business conduct

Ministry of Corporate Affairs has revised the National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business, 2011 (NVGs) and formulated the National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC). These guidelines urge businesses to actualise the principles in letter and spirit. These principles are: 1. Businesses should conduct and govern themselves with integrity in a manner that...
Azim Premji

CSR: Wipro Chairman Premji pledges 34% of shares to philanthropy

Wipro Chairman Azim Premji has earmarked 34% of Wipro Ltd shares worth INR 52,750 crore ($7.5 billion) for his philanthropic activities. “Azim Premji has increased his commitment to philanthropy, by irrevocably renouncing more of his personal assets and earmarking them to the endowment, which supports Azim Premji Foundation’s philanthropic activities,” the Foundation said in a...

Trends Expected to Redefine CSR

There is no fixed definition of CSR. But it is believed that companies have certain social, environmental, and ethical responsibilities they need to address. Businesses must use their resources to solve real-world problems which impact not only their immediate environment and stakeholders but society in general. The social sector has played a crucial role in...
Justin Trudeau

The global nature of social activism

In 2018, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau came to the World Economic Forum at Davos to tell corporate leaders, "We’re in the new age of doing business. You need to give back. You need to be part of the solution." The expectations for companies and brands have never been greater. Social purpose, sustainability, and corporate...

The Stanford $5 challenge which most students fail

Most Stanford students fail this challenge. Here's what we can learn from their mistakes. You’re a student in a Stanford class on entrepreneurship. Your professor walks into the room, breaks the class into different teams, and gives each team five dollars in funding. Your goal is to make as much money as possible within two...

Inclusion, Social Justice and Volunteering: Creating Equal Opportunity for All

Oxfam’s ‘Public good or private wealth?’ report says that the human cost of inequality is devastating and today – a) 262 million children will not be allowed to go to school b) Almost 10,000 people will die because they cannot access healthcare c) 4 billion hours of unpaid care work will be done, the majority by women...
Tata Chemicals Kasturi

Tata Chemicals celebrates Kasturi initiative, awards exceptional women farmer leaders

Tata Chemicals today celebrated Kasturi journey, an initiative of Tata Chemical Society for Rural Development’s (TCSRD) at a special event, where 14 exceptional women farmer leaders were awarded for their efforts in developing a national network of women ‘agripreneurs’. TCSRD event saw participation from18 institutions working for women farmers in different states as farmers, trainers,...

CSR: India to Subsidise sales of EVs

With rising pollution levels, the countries across the world are pushing for more sustainable solutions in order to reduce the carbon footprint from every sector. One of the major contributors to an increased level of carbon emissions is the transport industry. The US publisher ward has estimated that there were over 1.015 billion motor vehicles...

CSR: Transforming adolescent lives in India

India has 243 million adolescents by UNICEF’s count, but the country performed dismally on adolescent girls’ health, safety and education. A TrustLaw poll ranked India as the fourth most dangerous country in the world for women! Another UNICEF report indicated that 56% of adolescent girls in the 15-19 age group are anaemic while almost 20%...
CSR Compliance

Guidelines for Firms in Non-Compliance of CSR Expenditure

India became the first country to mandate CSR spending by the corporates with the enforcement of new Companies Act in 2014. The legislation asks the corporates to rearrange their business models which would contribute in the national development. After the passing of this act, the CSR spending has been increasing every year. In fact,...

Preventing hospital-acquired infections and addressing antibiotic resistance

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Antimicrobial resistance happens when microorganisms (such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites) change when they are exposed to antimicrobial drugs (such as antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals and antimalarials). Microorganisms that develop antimicrobial resistance are sometimes referred to as “superbugs”. As a result, the medicines become ineffective and infections persist...

One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman

Born into a French Catholic family, Simone de Beauvoir was raised to follow the path of religious devotion, marriage and children. Abandoning her predetermined destiny, de Beauvoir went on to become one of the greatest feminist thinkers of her century. She is also considered to be one of the most preeminent French existential philosophers. Moved...

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