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The Quandary of Social Organisations – Depth Vs. Width

In the recent past, I have had the opportunity of working with some really smart, bright, passionate social entrepreneurs – people looking to address complex social issues through for-profit and not-for-profit models. While their energy and enthusiasm is infectious, one of the questions we always struggle with is, in defining the actual issue that...

Public, Private Recycling Efforts Could Lower India’s Mounting Solid Waste

Delhi’s pollution found resonance in the Parliament during budget presentation, with the Finance Minister initiating a special scheme towards tackling the menace. Merely a week earlier, the economic survey suggested that heavy penalties be imposed since nearly 35 million tonnes of rice paddy or agri waste in three adjoining states (Punjab, Haryana and Western...

Conservation to Rejuvenation

Sustainability now needs to shift the paradigm from conservation to rejuvenation. The conversation must evolve from the scare of scarcity to the pursuit of plenty, albeit in an alternative form. The Oxford dictionary defines rejuvenation as restoring to a condition characteristic of a younger landscape while conservation is defined as prevention of wasteful use of...

Asleep At The Wheel!

While large organisations clearly understand the importance of creating and driving a focus on sustainability, many of them still fall asleep at the wheel. Addressing and driving sustainability is, today, an accepted focus area for most businesses, but while a few progressive corporations take sustainability seriously, many still don’t get it. It is not only...

Ascent of the Third Sector in the Indian Socio-Economic Grid

The 27th of February has been declared as the World NGO Day by the European Union External Service Action. “This is to celebrate the key Civil Society’s contribution to public space and their unique ability to give voice  to those who would otherwise have gone unheard.” These words speak volumes of the acclivity of the...

Turn And Face The Change: Equipping India’s Workforce For A Brave New World

“If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.” These words were written by Jack Welch, the former CEO and Chairman of General Electric, for the company’s annual report in 2000. Change is the only constant and Welch’s words could apply to any era...

How To Do CSR Better

A robust and thriving development sector is central to India’s quest for equitable, inclusive and sustainable growth. Over the years India’s development sector has evolved substantially and now the CSR regulation is posing new challenges for the sector. It is calling NGOs to scale up, become more transparent and professional, learn to run projects...

How Organisations Will Approach Sustainability In 2018

The focus of sustainability has moved away from just meeting the statutory obligations of CSR spending. Organisations are no longer only interested in meeting the legal regulations regarding contribution to CSR activities. Increasingly, companies have realised the importance of making a socio-environmental impact with their activities. It is evident in the fact that in...

The Clarion Call To Counter The Diabolic In The Indian Society: Self-Defence Training

The humane and forbearing traits, characteristic of the Indians, have been supplanted by the fiendish and Mephistophelian attributes in many people in the country. This is truly disconcerting. There is an urgent need to combat this social menace by ensuring that the majority of the population is equipped with the knowledge of self-defence. The feeling...

Understand, Monitor & Then, Manage

Risk cannot be overcome, at best it can be managed. Today, enterprises navigate in an environment of risks across each domain of their business. Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) risks are critical and need to be managed well for effective functioning and success of any business. To emphasize this risk, United Nations International Labor...

Scarcity is the Mother of Innovation

Necessity has always been regarded as the mother of invention. In a world where clean air and water are becoming hard to come by, scarcity is proving to be the mother of innovation writes Anirban Ghosh. Tragedy of the commons is the story of how we treat our social goods such as air, water, mangroves,...

India As A Football Nation

There is something about the World Cup, doesn’t matter what sport or who is playing. It is a special feeling to feel involved in anything where at the end you hear someone became World Champion. But the winners aside, the World Cup can be a make and yes break – just ask the Brazilian...

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