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March 25, 2025


Imagine a woman leading an armed attack dressed as a man, taking a bullet on her chest while walking with the Indian national flag at the age of 73 or leading a ‘death squad’ at 17!...
Sambar, एक South Indian करी, जिसका नाम सुनते ही आपका मन दक्षिण भारत की खुशबू से भर जाता है। लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि दक्षिण भारतीय रसोई की इस चटपटी स्वादिष्ट करी का संबंध मराठा...
27.9 C

Odisha to give monthly pension and free healthcare to people jailed during the Emergency of 1975

The Government of Odisha will provide monthly pension and free healthcare for people who were jailed during the Emergency of 1975. The state’s new...

Remembering Mahatma Gandhi’s quotes on his death anniversary

“Here is a mantra, a short one that I give you. You may imprint it on your hearts and let every breath of yours...

Indian Newspaper Day: Newspapers which played an important role in India’s freedom movement

The history of India’s freedom movement during the colonial regime will be incomplete if the role of vernacular press is not mentioned. Newspapers were...

Parakram Diwas 2024: Inspirational quotes by ‘Netaji’ Subhas Chandra Bose on his Birth Anniversary

‘First Prime Minister of India’ – this is how Indian netizens fondly remember India’s ‘immortal’ freedom fighter ‘Netaji’ Subhas Chandra Bose in the present...

Overtourism Causing Loss of Life at Everest

11 trekkers lost their lives while attempting to climb Mount Everest in 2019. Three of them were Indian nationals, according to the official data...

India Falls Under ‘Very Poor’ Category in SDG Gender Index

India has secured 95th rank in the first-ever SDG Gender Index, which measures strides made in achieving gender commitments against internationally set targets. The...

IKEA Reducing Air Pollution With Design

Air pollution is a growing health peril and severe global concern. The situation in North India is most alarming, with 9 of 10 of...

Why Corporates Should Adopt UNGC Principles for CSR

The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) has released 10 principles more than 15 years ago to drive sustainability. Since then, nearly 12,000 companies worldwide have...

India’s Stand on Domestic Violence

Women have always been advised by the conservatives that they should stay at home rather than stepping out for their safety. Home is considered...

Why MBA students should get serious about CSR

Business leaders and governments are increasingly identifying environmental issues and social changes as the biggest risks to global business. For one thing, the depletion of natural resources...

Mainstreaming the ESG Investments

Global climate change has made the binding international goal for a transition to a low carbon economy under 2 degrees, inevitable. The recent new...

Is 3D printing really eco-friendly?

3D printing has been hailed as the catalyst for the next industrial revolution and the “democratisation of manufacturing”, being viewed as having the capacity...

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