THE Science Express Biodiversity Special - a train exhibition showcasing the exceptional biodiversity of India - was flagged off by ministers of Science and Technology,...
We talk about global warming and depleting water levels, but how many of us can pride ourselves on being ‘sustainable practitioners’? Narendra Modi's Teacher's Day message asks us to reconsider our lifestyles in the context of an increasing population.
With the Indian Government announcing elaborate plans to tap the Solar potential right up to border areas and The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy announcing subsidies on the installation cost of solar photovoltaic power plants, Solar Power has all the makings of a ‘bright’ business opportunity or a wp program with 'glowing' prospects.
The 2014 edition of Green Week, the biggest annual conference on European environment policy, will take place from 3 to 5 June at The Egg Conference...
Ocean Acidification is sometimes called 'climate change’s equally evil twin', it is a significant & harmful consequence of excess CO2 in the atmosphere that we don't see or feel because its effects are happening underwater. And the rate at which we are pumping CO2 into our atmosphere is now a growing concern.
Hollywood Star Leonardo DiCaprio seems dedicated not only to belting out award winning performances on the big screen but is also actively committed to fighting for the preservation of Earth’s natural resources and biodviersity.
Can Mumbai have a sustainable, modern & state-of-the-art Public Transportation System? It is possible for the city to transform its over-crowded and filth filled railway into a ‘Greenway’? Alan Abraham believes he has the solution, and is all set to make a pitch to the new government soon.