Home Authors Posts by Kasmin Fernandes

Kasmin Fernandes

innovative child focused programs

Child focused regional initiatives lead the way

These initiatives are made special by their focus on child participation in governance, capacity building of children, redesigning the long-term development plans through a child lens and priority budgeting and expenditure by the government on issues identified by or important for children. As per the findings of the report, ‘Forgotten voices: The world of...
child labour in India

Framework For Ending Child Labour In India

Ending child labour requires a coming together of efforts, which address a wide spectrum of issues – economic, social, cultural and legal – that contribute to vulnerability and enable abuses. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions. It is nonetheless possible to identify some overarching regional policy priorities. Expand access to public education Education helps break intergenerational cycles...
greenwashing in ecotourism

Greenwashing In Ecotourism is a Fool’s Game

Greenwashing looms ominously over travel and tourism. Defined as “disinformation that is disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image,” it has become a recognisable term. The rise in awareness around green issues such as global warming, declining biodiversity and overpopulation has led to more and more businesses keen to...

Why does homeopathy get a bad name?

It comes as no surprise that many strong advocates of conventional medicine have a somewhat disdainful regard for homeopathy. The long history of attack stems from opposing views between conventional medicine and homeopathy practitioners on how illness should be treated, especially when it comes to the treatment of disease. Conventional medicine basically assumes that there...
impact of giving

Amplifying the Impact of Giving

While contributing funds is no doubt a critical aspect of philanthropy, it is certainly not the only one. Increasing the quantum of funds will only go so far in enhancing impact. Most givers are restricted in the amount of capital. A valuable step for philanthropists looking to heighten the effectiveness of their giving is...
Gandhi Fellow

CSR: Youth In The Footsteps of Gandhi

The need in India today is for young people with fresh ideas who could try and transform themselves to cause disproportionate change in the system and stand by it. It was out of this context that in 2008, Gandhi Fellowship emerged as a platform for youth to connect to the grassroots, understand the issues...
gender diverse company

Gender-Inclusive Companies Are More Socially Responsible

Companies and society win when business leaders are gender-inclusive. Researchers from Harvard Business School examined how corporate leadership and organizational structure influence CSR by utilizing the most visible form: corporate philanthropy. Focusing specifically on how women leaders might impact CSR, researchers from Harvard Business School and Catalyst conducted follow-up analysis. Compared to companies without women executive...
CSR and SDGs

CSR In the Light of SDGs

2015 was a watershed moment in the international development scenario. It was the year of transition from Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs in short. What are the SDGs? Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted on 25 September 2015 by 193 countries to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for...
Abdullah A Rehman

Air pollution is the fifth largest killer in India: Abdullah A Rehman, Founder & CEO, Anti Pollution Drive Foundation

Delhiites continue to choke on polluted air and debate over the unlivability of metro cities in India continues to rage. As part of our continuous efforts to Be the Solution, The CSR Journal had an exclusive conversation with Founder and CEO of Anti Pollution Drive Foundation, Abdullah A Rehman. Anti Pollution Drive (APD) Foundation India...
autoimmune diseases

10 Steps To Reverse Autoimmune Diseases

Yesterday, we explained how the body attacks its own tissues under the influence of autoimmune disorders. Today's article lays out steps to reverse the inflammation. Except for treating infections with antibiotics, medicine today approaches most diseases by prescribing a pill to suppress, cover over, block, or otherwise interfere with the body’s biology. We generally do...
autoimmune diseases

What are Autoimmune Diseases?

What illness affects more people than heart disease, diabetes and cancer combined? Autoimmune diseases. More than 80 diseases have been classified as autoimmune, and the list is growing. Some of the more common autoimmune diseases include Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Crohn’s, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, IBS and Type 1 diabetes. Entertainers like Nick Jonas,...
sustainable packaging

CSR: Sustainable Packaging in Response to Plastic

Use of conventional plastics such as polyethylene and polypropylene are facing harsh societal and political criticism due to environmental and waste-disposal concerns. As widely reported in print, electronic, and social media, these non-degradable plastics find their way into the oceans and negatively affect marine eco system and habitats. As a result, corporations are paying...

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