Hency Thacker
Travel Responsibly, Reduce Carbon Footprints
To travel or not to travel, that is the question.
In the last decade, traveling has become more accessible. Hence, the travel market has expanded drastically. With globalization, affordable air travel and technological development in the industry, travel aspirations have raised in people. And it is not just business travel that has increased in frequency,...
Perks For Maids
Charity begins at home. A Mumbaikar has taken this proverb in its literal sense.
An Andheri resident has provided his house help with various perks, including health insurance coverage for her and her child.
“My maid is a hard working lady. She is the sole bread-winner in her family. She works to provide her child with...
Sharmaji Ka Beta – Individual Change Makers
Sharmaji ka beta is happy with the way the things are progressing with all the initiatives that he started. He saw the positive change in his surroundings, feeling better that he played a role to make those changes happen.
Sharma realized that all the changes that happened were mainly because the individuals were responsive towards...
Raddiconnect To Swachh Sustainable Solutions
“Raddiconnect. That’s what we are called”, said Rahul Nainani, the co-founder of Raddiconnect. “But the name does not justify our work considering what we have evolved our business into.”
Raddiconnect with its parent brand Swachh Sustainable Solutions are in the waste management industry, providing decentralized and centralized, dry and wet waste solutions, to their customers.
Love Sustain-ably This Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is marked as the day of love. While we find ways to show our love to our special someone on this day, why do we disregard to love our environment, without which we would cease to exist?
Freshly cut flowers are a default when it comes to V- Day gifts. But the damage...
Sharmaji Ka Beta – LGBTQ Rights
Sharmaji ka beta supports equal rights for the LGBTQ community. He believes that one should not be treated differently for their unconventional lifestyle choices. Hence, Sharma in his department at office, uses his influence to make sure that everyone gets a fair opportunity professionally irrespective of their orientation.
Once, Sharma was going to the washroom, when he...
Mumbai – A City Of Nice People
Being Nice doesn’t cost a lot. Nor does it take a lot of effort. This is a lesson one can learn from Mumbai.
Mumbai, known as the city of dreams, is where people from all over the country come to find success, work and acceptance. There are so many immigrants here, settled from so long...
Sharmaji Ka Beta – Mental Health
Sharmaji ka beta is a sensitive guy. He is a good listener. Hence, lot of his friends and colleagues come to him to share their problems. In his family too, whenever anyone is in distress, they would approach Sharma knowing, he would not judge and help them out with logical solution. Sharma firmly believed,...
Sharmaji Ka Beta – No Smoking
Sharmaji ka beta is dwelling upon different methods to quit smoking. He is trying to figure out ways which can bring self realization and determination to quit, among his smoker friends.
Sharma started monitoring the government efforts regarding smoking. He wondered if the efforts were actually enough.
Sharma realized, government has taken up the no smoking...
Sharmaji Ka Beta – Quit Smoking
Sharmaji ka beta had heard many reasons as to why people smoked or started smoking. He also came across a weird perception that people had about smokers. A colleague told him, smoking allowed him to have an easy break at work whenever he wanted. He said, if he would take a break and use...
Sharmaji Ka Beta – Why Smoke?
Sharmaji ka beta is a sensible person. He knows that smoking is not good for health. So he never did. However, lot of his friends and colleagues did.
Everyday in office, his seniors and colleagues would go out for a smoke while Sharma would sit inside the office waiting for them to come back. Over...
Sharmaji Ka Beta – A Safe Driver
Sharmaji ka beta is always alert while handling any vehicle on the road. He loves to drive, and he is a disciplined driver. He always believed, if you are a responsible driver, you can always escape mishaps.
One night, Sharma with his wife, went cycling after dinner, to exercise and burn some calories while enjoying...