Home Leaders Speak Dr Medha Shetye, Founder, LexiPoSH talks about sexual harassment at workplace, awareness...

Dr Medha Shetye, Founder, LexiPoSH talks about sexual harassment at workplace, awareness and the role organisations need to play

Have you been touched inappropriately at work? Have you experienced being scanned by someone’s eyes or received unnecessary comments about your body type or outfits? Did you know that all of the above are acts of sexual harassment? Did you know that shouting at one’s colleagues or making certain gestures at them are acts of (non-sexual) workplace harassment?
Are you facing harassment regularly? Are you afraid of speaking out after being a victim of sexual abuse or harassment in your office? Are you scared to seek help because the abuser is holding an influential position in the organisation you are employed at?
Are you aware about the PoSH Act? This is a legislation enacted by the Government of India in 2013 to address the issue of sexual harassment faced by women in the workplace.
Educating us about all of the above is eminent lawyer Dr Medha Shetye, Founder of LexiPoSH, a firm offering individuals and organisations a complete suite of compliance services for the law on Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PoSH).
What kinds of behaviours fall under sexual harassment at workplace? What is workplace (non-sexual) harassment? Whom to approach if you are being harassed at work? Dr Medha Shetye explains it all. Watch this interview to get the answers.
Ahana Bhattacharya can be reached at [email protected]