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Raigarh Implements Blockchain-Based Monitoring System for CSR Plantation Activities

Blockchain Tech - Green Future
The Raigarh District Administration has taken a significant step towards promoting transparency and accountability in the industrial sector’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) plantation activities. By leveraging NEAR Protocol’s platform and Airchains’ technological offerings, the administration aims to establish a blockchain-based monitoring system. This system will enable the tracking and verification of tree plantation initiatives, ensuring compliance with regulations within the sector. The project’s implementation will occur in two phases, encompassing various functionalities and monitoring mechanisms.

Phase 1: Onboarding Industries and Verification of Data

In the initial phase of implementation, the Raigarh District Administration will focus on onboarding industries and verifying the data related to their tree plantation activities. By doing so, the administration can establish a comprehensive and accurate database of the CSR initiatives undertaken by these companies. The blockchain-based monitoring system will ensure the transparency and traceability of information, facilitating the identification of responsible industries and holding them accountable for their plantation commitments.

Tree Aadhaar for Tracking and Storing Data

One of the key functionalities provided by the system is the creation of a “Tree Aadhaar” for each tree planted. This unique identification will enable the tracking and storing of essential data associated with individual trees. The Tree Aadhaar will contain information such as the tree’s type, location, time and date of plantation, and the number of trees planted. This feature will facilitate accurate documentation and monitoring of the plantation activities.

Dashboard Login for District Administration and Listed Industries

To enable efficient management and access to the plantation data, the blockchain-based system offers a dashboard login feature. This feature allows both the district administration and the listed industries to log in to the system and retrieve relevant information. The district administration can monitor the progress of the plantation initiatives and ensure compliance with regulations, while the listed industries can input their plantation-related data into the system.

Real-time Air Quality Index (AQI) Tracking

In addition to the tree plantation monitoring, the platform also includes a real-time Air Quality Index (AQI) tracking feature. This feature provides crucial information about the air quality in the district. By integrating AQI monitoring, the system aims to promote sustainable practices and encourage industries to contribute to environmental preservation.

Phase 2: Monitoring Effectiveness and Future Planning

The second phase of the implementation focuses on monitoring the effectiveness of the blockchain-based system for future planning and geographical assessment. By analysing the data collected during the initial phase, the administration can evaluate the impact of the plantation initiatives and identify areas for improvement. This assessment will contribute to the development of more informed strategies and policies for sustainable growth in the future.

Partnership for Development and Empowerment

The Raigarh District Administration’s collaboration with NEAR Protocol and Airchains demonstrates their commitment to utilising blockchain technology for public sector development. Arpit Sharma, Managing Director for India, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East, expressed enthusiasm for the partnership and emphasised the administration’s aim to lead the way in India with this initiative. The collaboration between the public and private sectors will serve as a catalyst for the successful implementation of the blockchain-based monitoring system.
Through the implementation of this system, the administration aims to ensure compliance with regulations, encourage responsible practices, and contribute to the sustainable development of the district. The phased approach to implementation, along with the partnership between the public and private sectors, underscores the commitment to continuous improvement and future planning for effective environmental conservation.