Home CATEGORIES Health & Sanitation CSR: Schaeffler supports AID for COVID-19 relief in India

CSR: Schaeffler supports AID for COVID-19 relief in India

Globally, India was among the hardest hit by the Corona pandemic – more than 34 million people have been infected with COVID-19 in India, the World Health Organization estimates. More than 460,000 have died so far. Rural areas in particular have little access to medical infrastructure, and the effects of the pandemic will be felt for a long time to come.
The Automotive Aftermarket is making an important contribution to this and is supporting the fight against the pandemic in India with the help of the Association for India’s Development, or AID for short.
“Looking at all the suffering and sorrow caused by this pandemic and the urgent need for global solidarity, we decided to act now. With our donation we can contribute to the effective and direct efforts of AID, helping people who cannot help themselves,” said Michael Söding, CEO Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket. It has become a meaningful tradition for Automotive Aftermarket to donate to a good cause during the holiday season as part of its CSR.

Support for those who need it most

AID will use the 45,000 Euros donation where the need is greatest: In the western Indian state of Gujarat, as well as in southern India, in Tamil Nadu, new COVID centers will be created in remote communities to provide immunization for the population. Medical equipment will also be provided to rural hospitals and food will be distributed to families in need due to the pandemic. “We will use Schaeffler’s donation to improve the situation in many communities. Improving public health care and other important infrastructure in rural areas is essential for this,” says Somnath Mukherjee, Development Coordinator of AID.

What is AID?

AID is a volunteer-driven, U.S.-based organization that works to bring sustainable, equitable and just development to India’s most disadvantaged communities. The charity partners with more than 100 nonprofit organizations across India to bring about impactful change in various areas of development, including health, utility infrastructure and education.

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