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Treeni partners with Manipal Foundation for CSR management

Treeni Sustainability Solutions Inc. has entered into a new partnership with Manipal Foundation for a CSR management contract from FY 2020-21 onwards.
Manipal Foundation is the social and philanthropic arm of Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG). Treeni has been working with Manipal Foundation since 2016 and the resustain™ platform has helped in digitizing CSR projects and activity level data. It has also provided real-time insights through analytics and dashboards,especially on the initiatives on Virtual Classroom, Skill Training and Scholarship Program. Additionally, resustain™ aided in streamlining day to day activities digitally while managing projects and funds.
Manipal Foundation was facing multiple challenges in managing the data from their CSR activities manually. Budget and expense tracking for all CSR projects, overall project management, and continuous data mining were some of the critical problems they were facing. With Treeni’s resustain™ CSR SaaS platform, they were able to eliminate human errors in evaluation, free up management bandwidth and optimize resources while onboarding multiple projects. Inbuilt email integration allowed seamless data entry through individual templates, and reduced the time and effort spent in managing these functions significantly.
The platform also generates financial data and budget allocations reports, tracks fund status summary and project schedules in real time. The current workflows have been aligned to the organization’s processes for tracking and managing all monthly expenses.
Through the platform, Manipal Foundation has been able to keep track of several programmes such as the Virtual classrooms project, covering 11 clusters with 110 schools. The platform helps drill down into individual beneficiary level details with real time data flowing into the platform and its representation through analytics. This has helped measure the performance of students and assisted in analyzing results cluster wise, partner wise, etc. and throw light on potential improvement areas.
Under the new contract, the engagement would focus on one touch data upload, adding quick-links for seamless navigation across the platform, upgraded UI/UX of the platform and automated download of donors’ receipts through the platform. Rajen Padukone, CEO, Manipal Foundation: “Treeni’s platform resustain™ and the responsiveness of their people has provided valuable ways of streamlining and automating our processes. resustain™ has helped track fund status summary, donations and other financial reports, and the overall impact of running programmes, primarily virtual classrooms in monthly senior management dashboards. We are expanding our reach under the CSR programmes and this renewed partnership with Treeni will help us in managing our data in a seamless, automated manner. We see Treeni as our long-term technology partner.” 
Ankush Patel, Founder and CEO of Treeni: “We are proud to be associated with Manipal Foundation given all the cool work they are doing especially around education, healthcare, livelihood and community development, given their importance in addressing gender disparity and inequality, and preparing a skilled future workforce. Manipal Foundation is one of our first clients. The CSR space in India is constantly evolving and requires solutions that meet the client’s unique needs, we have been able to deliver that to Manipal Foundation.”

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