Home CATEGORIES Business Ethics & Philanthropy CSR: A Gift For Children This Mother’s Day

CSR: A Gift For Children This Mother’s Day

Indian Child and Mother

Mother figure is very influential to every child’s personality. Which is why, Mother’s Day is one of the most special and celebrated days in India and across the world.

In India, Mothers are always accounted for a child’s behaviour or actions. They get more credit for a child’s good behaviour and bear the brunt for his misbehaviours. In order to ensure a healthy mental and physical growth for every child, it is important to empower every mother.

There are 8 million institutionalized children around the world, many of whom languish in orphanages without access to nutritious food, clean water, a quality education and medical care. Surprisingly, 80% of these kids have a living family member. Most families wouldn’t leave their children in institutions if they had the right support to care for them. The fact is, many children are in orphanages because their families are poor and can’t afford to feed or educate them. This is no reason to be institutionalized.

To commemorate Mother’s day in a truly meaningful way, Miracle Foundation India has teamed up with Dell to raise funds to brighten up the lives of children without parental supervision and, ultimately, find a loving family for every child.

As a part of this campaign, the foundation will engage with the employees from Dell to run a fundraising campaign. The employees can make a donation in honour of their mom or the special mother figure in their lives. The donations will empower housemothers who shower endless love of a mom on the orphaned children.

The activities will be processed at Dell’s offices in Gurugram (NCR) and Hyderabad.

“Every Mother’s contribution is immense in the growth and development of a kid’s life, and to honor and recognize that, Miracle Foundation is undertaking a tremendous initiative for children without parental care by giving them care and hope to build a strong future. I am happy my extended team could participate and make a difference this Mother’s Day”, said Nupur Puri from the Dell team.

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