The Impact of Covid-19 on Key SDG Indicators
The pandemic has been a major setback for sustainable development everywhere. There is a very real risk that inequalities will widen greatly between rich...
United Nations Leading the World to the Path of Peace and Security
After the devastation caused by the First World War, the League of Nations was born under the Treaty of Versailles “to promote international cooperation...
मानव कल्याण के लिए काम करता है यूनाइटेड नेशंस
दो देशों के बीच झगडे, इंटरनेशनल बॉर्डर को लेकर युद्ध, देशों में आंतरिक कलह ये सब इतना बढ़ चुका है कि वहां मानवीय मूल्यों...
UN Agencies: UNICEF Working to Establish Children’s Rights
In the run-up to the United Nations (UN) Day on October 24th and as part of The CSR Journal’s new UN-Agencies series, let us...
UN Agencies: The UNDP was pivotal in major developments of India in last 60 years
Few people know, for example, that the first mainframe computer to come to India was provided by UNDP, upon request from an Indian government...
UN Agencies: IFAD Increases Food Security
IFAD was one of the major outcomes of the 1974 World Food Conference. The conference was organized by the United Nations in response to...
UN Bodies: ILO Promoting Social Justice and Decent Work for All
In the run-up to the United Nations (UN) Day on October 24th and as part of The CSR Journal’s new UN-Bodies series, let us...
Why trade needs to be climate-smart
The Asia-Pacific region is now the largest emitter of GHGs in absolute terms. However, a new UN report ‘Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report 2021’...
UN sets in motion new regional collaborative platform for 2030 Agenda
Regional United Nations entities in Asia and the Pacific are scaling up efforts and coordination to support countries in their COVID-19 response and accelerate...
UN and EIF launch interactive guide on cross-border paperless trade
Cross-border paperless trade has great potential to not only grow trade competitiveness but also to address new challenges associated with e-commerce and the digital...
No Change in the Gender Gap in Labour Market Since 1995: UN
Gender equality in the labour market seems like a utopian concept today, with not a single country in the world has achieved it. According...
UN Day 2020: The United Nations turns 75
Tomorrow is the 75th UN Day – the historic day on which the United Nations officially came into being after the ratification of the...