Tag: CSR compliance
2018 recap of top highlights in CSR
2018 was quite eventful with regard to corporate social responsibility. Here is a lookback at major events in this domain.
January 2018
The corporate affairs ministry...
Top CSR trends and projections for 2019
It has been quite an eventful year in the corporate social responsibility domain. So active was this field that a High Level Committee on...
सीएसआर फंड पर सख्त हुई सरकार
कॉरपोरेट सोशल रेस्पॉन्सिबिलिटी को लेकर नरेंद्र मोदी की सरकार अब सख्त रवैया अपना रही है। समाज में नीतिगत बदलाव लाने के लिए जो कंपनियां...
The Gaps in Implemeting CSR in India
India is one of the only countries in the world to regulate Corporate Social Responsbility (CSR) under the Companies Act, 2013. The law provides...
160 Companies to Face Penal Action For CSR Violations
Penal action will be initiated against 160 firms for failing to comply with CSR norms under the companies law, according to Union minister P P Chaudhary.