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Climate change and the 75% problem

By Bill Gates Quick: Think of some inventions that help fight climate change. What came to mind first? I bet you thought of solar panels and...

Climate Emergency: Bushfires in Australia

About 62,000 square kilometres of the area has been destroyed in the massive Australian bushfires. This area is a little more than the entire...

Three ways Farms Can Solve Climate Crisis and Food Security at Once

On one hand, the rising population of the earth demands intensive agriculture practices to ensure food security of it’s inhabitants. On the other hand,...

CSR News: We need to plant 4 billion trees every year for the next 10 years, says Tree-Nation

Every minute we lose forest cover equivalent to 36 football fields. This means 13 million hectares of forest land disappear every year, an area...

New Zealand Passed A Climate Change Bill Unanimously

The Paris Agreement of 2015 was accompanied by nationally determined contribution (NDC) targets set by countries domestically and reported to the United Nations Framework...

CSR News: BASIC Countries Urge Developed Nations to Adhere to Paris Agreement

A joint statement issued by Brazil, South Africa, India and China (BASIC) on Saturday stated that global climate action should promote climate justice by...

CSR: Three Things Businesses Can Do To Adapt Climate Change

The effects of climate change are increasingly visible. Storms, droughts, fires, and flooding have become stronger and more frequent. Global ecosystems are changing, including...

Ambition Loop To Tackle Climate Change

Considering the fact that the governments across the world are lagging behind in meeting the SDG targets, the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change...

Fridays For Future Unites Students Around the World in Climate Strike

The global climate strike, inspired by 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, kicked off in the Pacific islands and followed the rising sun across Australia,...

Ingersoll Rand’s Trane and Thermo King Businesses Increase Sustainability Ambitions at Climate Week NYC

Ingersoll Rand, with its leading climate brands Trane and Thermo King, is further committing to bold action towards sustainability this week on a global...

CSR: Restoring the Sunderbans to its Glory

A new technology developed by Indian scientists for ecological restoration is helping in the revival of mangroves degraded due to rising sea levels, climate...

UNCCD COP14: New global coalition to combat sand and dust storms

A new global coalition to combat sand and dust storms was launched at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Conference of Parties (UNCCD...

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